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    Cover of There Are Rivers in the Sky
    Historical Fiction

    There Are Rivers in the Sky

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    There Are Rivers in the Sky by Radhika Maira Tabrez is a lyrical novel that explores the lives of two women, bound by fate yet separated by time and circumstance. Set against the backdrop of contemporary India, the story weaves together themes of family, identity, and the search for belonging. As the women navigate personal and cultural challenges, the novel delves into the transformative power of memory and the quiet strength found in everyday lives.

    In the year before Arthur turns six­teen, his fam­i­ly’s finan­cial strug­gles force him to work extra shifts to pay the rent. Wak­ing before dawn, he main­tains a strict per­son­al hygiene rou­tine, wash­ing with dilut­ed vine­gar and cold water, despite the poor qual­i­ty soap pro­vid­ed by char­i­ty. The streets of Lon­don at these ear­ly hours are a somber sight, filled with beg­gars and those defeat­ed by life, one morn­ing reveal­ing a man who has frozen to death on the side­walk.

    Hunger plagues Arthur dai­ly, often begin­ning with a sim­ple bread roll that he tries to accom­pa­ny with a bit of but­ter or a warm drink at a near­by stall. He takes small joys in bring­ing treats home for his moth­er and lit­tle broth­er, cling­ing to these moments to add mean­ing to his exis­tence. By night, the weari­ness from his labor pre­vents him from read­ing, leav­ing him devoid of dreams and hope. The mem­o­ry of his deceased broth­er weighs heav­i­ly on him, while fleet­ing moments of beau­ty, like the songs of gulls or the scent of roast­ing chest­nuts, offer him brief solace.

    At the office one morn­ing, Arthur becomes engrossed in exam­in­ing illus­tra­tions for a poten­tial Eng­lish reprint of “The Works of Rabelais.” His admi­ra­tion for visu­al sto­ry­telling con­trasts with his self-doubt about his artis­tic abil­i­ties. Sud­den­ly, the door bursts open and a man, lat­er revealed to be Charles Dick­ens, rush­es in seek­ing Mr. Evans. Dick­ens express­es inter­est in pub­lish­ing with their firm but is soon remind­ed of Mr. Brad­bury’s pass­ing. The boy iden­ti­fies him­self as Mr. Brad­bury’s appren­tice, earn­ing Dick­ens’ atten­tion and heart­felt acknowl­edg­ment of Arthur’s poten­tial.

    Their con­ver­sa­tion touch­es on Arthur’s unique per­cep­tive­ness and the chal­lenges faced by authors under oppres­sive pub­lish­ing con­tracts, with Dick­ens express­ing a desire to change his own sit­u­a­tion by propos­ing a part­ner­ship with Mr. Evans. Their agree­ment results in four suc­cess­ful nov­els being pub­lished, although their attempt to launch the “Dai­ly News” fails finan­cial­ly.

    Months lat­er, Arthur meets a disheveled Dick­ens who brings an exot­ic treat from the Ottoman lands, reveal­ing more about the author’s per­son­al strug­gles amid rumors of his infi­deli­ty. As they talk, Arthur shares his aspi­ra­tion to vis­it Nin­eveh, and Dick­ens pro­vides him with a gift—tailored cloth­ing to help him expe­ri­ence the world beyond the lim­i­ta­tions of his upbring­ing. A let­ter accom­pa­ny­ing the gift encour­ages Arthur to seek out new hori­zons, hint­ing at a jour­ney that promis­es trans­for­ma­tion. Dick­ens, how­ev­er, soon van­ish­es into his tur­bu­lent per­son­al life, leav­ing Arthur with the hope of a brighter future that extends beyond London’s con­fines.


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    Chapter Index
    Cover of There Are Rivers in the Sky
    Historical Fiction

    There Are Rivers in the Sky

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    There Are Rivers in the Sky by Radhika Maira Tabrez is a lyrical novel that explores the lives of two women, bound by fate yet separated by time and circumstance. Set against the backdrop of contemporary India, the story weaves together themes of family, identity, and the search for belonging. As the women navigate personal and cultural challenges, the novel delves into the transformative power of memory and the quiet strength found in everyday lives.


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