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    • Maniac Magee Cover

      Maniac Magee

      Mani­ac Magee by Jer­ry Spinel­li fol­lows Jef­frey “Mani­ac” Magee, a boy who runs away from his aunt and uncle’s home and becomes a local leg­end. As he forms friend­ships and con­fronts racism, he search­es for a place to belong.
    • Savvy Cover


      Savvy by Ingrid Law fol­lows 13-year-old Mibs Beau­mont, who dis­cov­ers her mag­i­cal pow­ers on her birth­day. As she embarks on an adven­ture, she learns about fam­i­ly, strength, and self-dis­cov­ery.
    • Wed to the Grendel Cover

      Wed to the Grendel

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    • If These Wings Could Fly Cover

      If These Wings Could Fly

      If These Wings Could Fly by Kyrie McCauley fol­lows Leighton, a teen deal­ing with an abu­sive father and fam­i­ly secrets. She finds hope and strength through her bond with a local bird sanc­tu­ary.
    • Their Eyes Were Watching God Cover

      Their Eyes Were Watching God

      Their Eyes Were Watch­ing God by Zora Neale Hurston fol­lows Janie Crawford’s jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery through three mar­riages, explor­ing themes of love, inde­pen­dence, and iden­ti­ty.
    • Mickey 7 Cover

      Mickey 7

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