Chapter Index
    Cover of There Are Rivers in the Sky
    Historical Fiction

    There Are Rivers in the Sky

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    There Are Rivers in the Sky by Radhika Maira Tabrez is a lyrical novel that explores the lives of two women, bound by fate yet separated by time and circumstance. Set against the backdrop of contemporary India, the story weaves together themes of family, identity, and the search for belonging. As the women navigate personal and cultural challenges, the novel delves into the transformative power of memory and the quiet strength found in everyday lives.

    In the year 1852, Arthur, a clever and eccen­tric boy, grows up in the impov­er­ished Sew­ers and Slums beside the Riv­er Thames. By age five, he has learned the details about all his neigh­bors, even pick­ing up Yid­dish from a Jewish–Russian fam­i­ly at eight, along with an abil­i­ty to repli­cate the sounds and sights of his com­mu­ni­ty with remark­able pre­ci­sion. Enrolled in a ragged school aimed at edu­cat­ing des­ti­tute chil­dren, Arthur finds him­self among peers who come from back­grounds of pover­ty, crime, and neglect. The con­di­tions at the school are grim, and stu­dents often leave, seek­ing bet­ter alter­na­tives, yet Arthur per­sists, ben­e­fit­ing from the dai­ly food and the chance to learn.

    Despite being over­shad­owed by more bois­ter­ous class­mates, Arthur, now twelve, is hard­work­ing and ded­i­cat­ed, quick­ly mas­ter­ing lessons and assist­ing his teacher, Mr. Hop­kin. His intro­vert­ed nature and ten­den­cy to day­dream, paired with his disheveled appear­ance, often ren­der him invis­i­ble. One fate­ful day, while arriv­ing late due to tak­ing care of his unwell moth­er, Arthur is con­front­ed by a strict sub­sti­tute teacher. This teacher, dis­miss­ing Arthur’s expla­na­tion about his absence, belit­tles him and pre­pares to dis­ci­pline him for assert­ing that a math assign­ment had been mis­cal­cu­lat­ed.

    After endur­ing a phys­i­cal­ly pun­ish­ing encounter with the head­mas­ter, Arthur’s intel­li­gence is inad­ver­tent­ly acknowl­edged, reveal­ing his excep­tion­al mem­o­ry and apti­tude for learn­ing. Although he faces severe pun­ish­ment, Arthur con­veys to the head­mas­ter a mem­o­ry from his past, show­cas­ing not only his aca­d­e­m­ic abil­i­ty but also an aware­ness of the world – a world beyond the slums where his­to­ry and cul­ture exist.

    As Arthur leaves the school for the last time, he grap­ples with fear and hunger but finds him­self inex­plic­a­bly drawn to the British Muse­um. There, he is cap­ti­vat­ed by the sight of immense stone sculp­tures being trans­port­ed, his­tor­i­cal arti­facts that embody the ancient civ­i­liza­tion of King Ashur­ba­n­i­pal. His encounter with Dr. Samuel Birch, the muse­um’s Keep­er of Ori­en­tal Antiq­ui­ties, leaves him with a pro­found sense of curios­i­ty and a taste for knowl­edge, ignit­ing aspi­ra­tions beyond his cur­rent impov­er­ished state. The chap­ter clos­es with Arthur feel­ing a kin­ship with the bound stone beasts as they, too, strug­gle with their new exis­tence in an unfa­mil­iar land.


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    Chapter Index
    Cover of There Are Rivers in the Sky
    Historical Fiction

    There Are Rivers in the Sky

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    There Are Rivers in the Sky by Radhika Maira Tabrez is a lyrical novel that explores the lives of two women, bound by fate yet separated by time and circumstance. Set against the backdrop of contemporary India, the story weaves together themes of family, identity, and the search for belonging. As the women navigate personal and cultural challenges, the novel delves into the transformative power of memory and the quiet strength found in everyday lives.


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