Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Savvy by Ingrid Law tells the story of Mibs Beaumont, a young girl who discovers her magical "savvy" on her 13th birthday. As her family faces a crisis, Mibs embarks on an adventure to unlock her powers, learning about herself, family, and the true meaning of strength along the way.

    In Chap­ter XXVII, the group arrives in Wymore just as the morn­ing church ser­vice con­cludes. Lester parks the bus in front of the church, prepar­ing to deliv­er pink Bibles, which Lill believes will be bet­ter received by the minister’s wife. She encour­ages Lester with sup­port­ive words and a kiss for good luck, which leaves him blush­ing but proud as he steps out to make the deliv­ery. Lill has been coach­ing him on how to present him­self con­fi­dent­ly, which vis­i­bly influ­ences his demeanor.

    As Lester walks away, Lill anx­ious­ly observes him from the bus, dis­play­ing her affec­tion for him. Mean­while, Fish and Will engage play­ful­ly, dis­rupt­ing the atmos­phere until Lester returns with exu­ber­ance. He announces that not only did the min­is­ter accept the Bibles, but the Wymore Women’s Guild also ordered three addi­tion­al cas­es, reliev­ing Lester of pre­vi­ous wor­ries regard­ing unsold inven­to­ry.

    With new­found con­fi­dence, Lester recruits Fish and Will to help car­ry in the box­es. They attempt to hide their iden­ti­ties, wary of being rec­og­nized from news reports, but they emerge with cash and donuts after the deliv­ery. Despite the sug­ary treats, a shad­ow of unease lingers over Fish, who grows increas­ing­ly trou­bled as Lester reveals they will make a detour before head­ing to Sali­na. The uncer­tain­ty of the jour­ney begins to weigh on their spir­its, espe­cial­ly for Mibs and the oth­ers await­ing their father’s return.

    As Mibs nav­i­gates these mixed emo­tions, she finds her­self trans­fixed by a crum­pled mag­a­zine cov­er depict­ing a heart, con­tem­plat­ing its fragili­ty. This reflec­tion sparks a per­son­al moment with Will, who she con­fess­es her feel­ings to. Mibs admits she likes him but isn’t ready for a roman­tic rela­tion­ship. This impor­tant con­ver­sa­tion evolves into a piv­otal moment of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and growth as Mibs hands her cher­ished birth­day pen back to Will, feel­ing a mix of dis­ap­point­ment and growth. As Will promis­es to wait for her, Mibs inter­nal­izes her feel­ings while observ­ing the world out­side the bus win­dow, sig­ni­fy­ing a tran­si­tion­al phase in her jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery and emo­tion­al matu­ri­ty.


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