Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Savvy by Ingrid Law tells the story of Mibs Beaumont, a young girl who discovers her magical "savvy" on her 13th birthday. As her family faces a crisis, Mibs embarks on an adventure to unlock her powers, learning about herself, family, and the true meaning of strength along the way.

    In Chap­ter II, the nar­ra­tor, Mibs Beau­mont, reflects on her life at home after a trau­mat­ic inci­dent involv­ing her father. That night, while shar­ing a dark bed­room with her sis­ter Gyp­sy, Mibs lis­tens to the sounds around her—her sis­ter’s steady breath­ing, her moth­er’s and broth­er Rock­et’s activ­i­ty down­stairs, and the rum­bling of the earth itself. Mom­ma and Rock­et plan an ear­ly depar­ture to Sali­na, where their father awaits care at the hos­pi­tal. Mibs wish­es to accom­pa­ny them, long­ing for a brief escape and the nov­el­ty of motel soaps. How­ev­er, she remains at home with Grand­pa, who is trou­bled and rest­less.

    The next morn­ing marks a sig­nif­i­cant day for Mibs—the day before her thir­teenth birth­day. She feels bur­dened with respon­si­bil­i­ties, includ­ing look­ing after her younger broth­er Sam­son, who is moody and qui­et. On their long bus ride to school in Hebron, Mibs grap­ples with her peers’ teas­ing due to her unusu­al name, Mis­sis­sip­pi, which has led to unkind nick­names and hurt­ful rumors about her fam­i­ly’s trou­bles. Mibs antic­i­pates that after her birth­day, she’ll be leav­ing Hebron Mid­dle School for home­school­ing, allow­ing her to escape the scorn of class­mates like Ashe­ly Bing and Emma Flint.

    As the last day at school drags on, Mibs strug­gles to focus amid her wor­ries about her father. The cul­mi­na­tion of her emo­tions peaks when the teacher announces her depar­ture from school. The oth­er stu­dents respond with indif­fer­ence, fur­ther deep­en­ing her feel­ings of iso­la­tion. Through­out the day, she hopes for a savvy that could silence her bul­lies or trans­form them.

    Upon arriv­ing home, Mibs finds a shiny gold mini­van parked out­side, belong­ing to Miss Rose­mary, the preacher’s wife. Known for her overzeal­ous desire to keep things in order, Miss Rose­mary has come to help the fam­i­ly in the wake of their father’s acci­dent. Mibs and Sam­son attempt to sneak inside, feel­ing the oppres­sive weight of Miss Rose­mary’s judg­ments as she insists on clean­ing their home, under­scor­ing the absence of mater­nal care in their lives. Miss Rosemary’s com­ments about the need for a moth­er add to Mib­s’s anx­i­ety, as she nav­i­gates the tur­moil of fam­i­ly chal­lenges and the impend­ing changes in her life.


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