Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Savvy by Ingrid Law tells the story of Mibs Beaumont, a young girl who discovers her magical "savvy" on her 13th birthday. As her family faces a crisis, Mibs embarks on an adventure to unlock her powers, learning about herself, family, and the true meaning of strength along the way.

    In Chap­ter VII, the scene unfolds in Pas­tor Meek­s’s office, where the pro­tag­o­nist wakes up to a cacoph­o­ny of dis­putes. Dis­ori­ent­ed, she finds her­self on a blue plaid sofa, wit­ness­ing Pas­tor Meeks furi­ous­ly argu­ing with a thin deliv­ery­man bear­ing a large pink Bible. The pas­tor, exas­per­at­ed, crit­i­cizes the col­or of the Bibles, ques­tion­ing their suit­abil­i­ty for his con­gre­ga­tion. The deliv­ery­man, appear­ing meek and sad, attempts to explain he’s mere­ly fol­low­ing orders, but is quick­ly over­shad­owed by the pas­tor’s wrath.

    Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, a heat­ed exchange occurs between her broth­er Fish and Miss Rose­mary. Fish insists that Mibs doesn’t need a doc­tor and should sim­ply go home, while Rose­mary strug­gles to retain con­trol over a tele­phone, des­per­ate for adult inter­ven­tion. The chaos esca­lates, with Fish dis­rupt­ing the office by climb­ing over the pas­tor’s desk to ral­ly their grand­pa, who, unfor­tu­nate­ly, is asleep and obliv­i­ous to the tur­moil.

    Amidst the bick­er­ing, the protagonist’s inter­nal strug­gle begins. She hears two dis­tinct voic­es in her head, engaged in an argu­ment that mir­rors the exter­nal chaos. As she grap­ples with her con­fu­sion, flash­es of a pri­or encounter come to mind, par­tic­u­lar­ly a moment involv­ing Bobbi’s tat­too that inex­plic­a­bly spoke to her. Feel­ing over­whelmed by the noise and unable to con­cen­trate, she yearns for qui­et to focus on her own aspi­ra­tions.

    The com­mo­tion in the room makes her feel unno­ticed and trapped; she yearns to escape to Sali­na Hope Hos­pi­tal to con­nect with her father and acti­vate her latent abil­i­ties. The ten­sion around her swells, with con­trast­ing argu­ments about pink Bibles and emo­tion­al appeals to adults spi­ral­ing out of con­trol. Notic­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty to flee, she qui­et­ly slips away, relieved to leave behind the dis­ar­ray and the tor­ment of the voic­es tor­ment­ing her thoughts.

    Out­side the pastor’s office, she encoun­ters Will Junior, who shows con­cern for her well-being and holds the birth­day pen set she lost. In des­per­a­tion, she implores him for a means of escape, reflect­ing her urgent need for free­dom from the chaos around her.


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