Cover of Savvy


    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Savvy by Ingrid Law tells the story of Mibs Beaumont, a young girl who discovers her magical "savvy" on her 13th birthday. As her family faces a crisis, Mibs embarks on an adventure to unlock her powers, learning about herself, family, and the true meaning of strength along the way.

    In the chaot­ic after­math of the sit­u­a­tion involv­ing Car­lene’s trail­er, a sense of dis­or­der pre­vailed as police offi­cers, state troop­ers, and para­medics flood­ed the scene. The rain had sub­sided, reveal­ing curi­ous neigh­bors who gath­ered out­side, eager to wit­ness the unfold­ing dra­ma. Inside, adults—Lester, Lill, and Carlene—were ques­tioned by offi­cers while chil­dren hov­ered pro­tec­tive­ly near­by. Bob­bi, Will, and Fish occu­pied Car­lene’s sofa, with Bob­bi feign­ing bore­dom and Will keen­ly observ­ing the offi­cers’ move­ments. Fish appeared worn out, his ear­li­er dis­tress sub­sid­ing with the dis­cov­ery of Sam­son.

    On the floor, Sam­son and I shared a moment of con­nec­tion, his ink-stained hand clasp­ing mine as his thoughts formed a com­fort­ing, melod­ic back­ground. Para­medics arrived, dis­trib­ut­ing blan­kets and check­ing on the chil­dren. In the midst of the chaos, I felt an urgent need to explain to the offi­cers and case­work­er that it was my idea for the group to embark on this jour­ney to see our Pop­pa, fear­ing we were wast­ing pre­cious time. Despite my insis­tence that I was to blame, the adults respond­ed with polite nods but seemed uncon­vinced.

    I became anx­ious about the ram­i­fi­ca­tions for Lester and Lill, feel­ing sick with wor­ry and guilt over the decep­tion that led us here. My con­cern extend­ed to Car­lene, though I con­sid­ered her mere­ly a rot­ten apple in our trou­bled mix. Inquir­ing after our Pop­pa, I was met with prac­ticed respons­es from the case­work­er, fur­ther­ing my anx­i­ety about our uncer­tain future.

    As Kansas state troop­ers joined the scene, the prospect of being tak­en back to Hebron loomed omi­nous­ly. I felt a grow­ing deter­mi­na­tion not to lose the progress we had made. Just then, a famil­iar fig­ure emerged among the troopers—Bill, Will and Bob­bi’s old­er broth­er. His pres­ence brought relief, prompt­ing joy­ful inter­ac­tions as he embraced his sib­lings. Observ­ing this reunion unveiled a secret about Will that reshaped my under­stand­ing of their fam­i­ly dynam­ic.

    Final­ly, seiz­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty to share my per­spec­tive, I approached Offi­cer Meeks, hop­ing he would lis­ten to my account of the events and my deep yearn­ing to see Pop­pa. Over­come with emo­tion, I implored him to under­stand that every­thing that had tran­spired was my fault, lead­ing to an out­pour­ing of tears.


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