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    Han­nah finds her­self lost in the joy of dance with a great dancer named Luis at an event where the band has ener­gized the atmos­phere. Reflect­ing on her day, she acknowl­edges the stress and lone­li­ness she felt, large­ly due to Char­lie, but choos­es to immerse her­self in the momen­t’s free­dom and expres­sion. As the music and dance draw Han­nah and Luis clos­er, lead­ing to an inti­mate moment, Han­nah decides she needs some space and sug­gests going to get a drink, which Luis inter­prets as an invi­ta­tion to accom­pa­ny her.

    At the bar, they encounter Luis’s friend, Jethro, who intro­duces him­self and men­tions how Luis had noticed Han­nah ear­li­er. The con­ver­sa­tion reveals Luis and Jethro’s con­nec­tion through uni­ver­si­ty and rug­by, pro­vid­ing a back­drop to their cama­raderie. Seek­ing to escape the reminders of her day and spurred by mem­o­ries of Char­lie, Han­nah decides to indulge in tequi­la shots, a depar­ture from her usu­al cau­tion. Luis and Jethro join in, and the trio bond over the shared moment, despite Han­nah’s ini­tial insis­tence on need­ing space.

    As they rem­i­nisce about uni­ver­si­ty days, the men­tion of Edin­burgh prompts Han­nah to reflect momen­tar­i­ly on her rea­son for attendance—a stark con­trast to the rev­el­ry. The inter­ac­tion with Jethro and Luis, along­side the casu­al men­tions of oth­er char­ac­ters, paints a pic­ture of Han­nah’s attempt to nav­i­gate her emo­tions and con­nec­tions at the event. Despite her efforts to find solace in the anonymi­ty of the dance floor, Han­nah’s inter­ac­tions under­score the com­plex­i­ties of her per­son­al entan­gle­ments, includ­ing the impact of Char­lie’s actions and the fleet­ing escape offered by dance and alco­hol.


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