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    mat­ter how much you try. There’s the over­whelm­ing love,
    matched only by the fear of los­ing them, that tight grip of
    affec­tion that nev­er real­ly loosens. Yes, through all their
    trou­bles and tri­umphs, you real­ize that your heart is
    per­ma­nent­ly entwined with theirs, a bond unbreak­able despite
    the dis­tance or dis­agree­ments.

    And look­ing at Jules today, I see not just my child, but a
    woman who has out­shone all expec­ta­tions, includ­ing my
    own. She’s craft­ed a life of suc­cess, of sig­nif­i­cance. But
    more impor­tant­ly, she’s found some­one she loves deeply, a
    part­ner strong enough to stand beside her, to sup­port her
    ambi­tions and share in her dreams. I see the way they look
    at each oth­er, the unspo­ken lan­guage of their hearts, and I
    know she’s cho­sen well.

    So, to my daugh­ter, on her wed­ding day: you may have
    moved past need­ing my advice or seek­ing my approval,
    but know this — my pride in you is vast, eclipsed only by my
    love. And to Will, wel­come to our fam­i­ly. You’ve won the
    heart of the most remark­able per­son I know. Keep her safe,
    keep her hap­py, and togeth­er, I trust you will nav­i­gate
    what­ev­er life throws your way.

    I raise my glass to you both, to your future, filled with the
    same love and loy­al­ty that has brought us all here today. To
    Julia and Will.’

    The room erupts in applause, a cho­rus of well-wish­es
    fill­ing the pre­vi­ous­ly tense air. Despite the ear­li­er shad­ows
    of doubt and the com­plex­i­ties of fam­i­ly dynam­ics,
    momen­tar­i­ly, we’re all unit­ed in a sin­gu­lar pur­pose: to
    cel­e­brate love, resilience, and the start of a new chap­ter for
    Julia and Will. The elec­tric­i­ty flick­ers once more, a
    reminder of life’s unpre­dictabil­i­ty, but in this moment, it’s
    the warmth of human con­nec­tion that illu­mi­nates our


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    Chapter Index
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    Jules awak­ens on her wed­ding day, filled with a sense of unease stem­ming from a dis­turb­ing dream and the rem­nants of the pre­vi­ous night’s fes­tiv­i­ties. Despite her fiancé Will’s adher­ence to tra­di­tion by sleep­ing sep­a­rate­ly, she feels a long­ing for his pres­ence. Her wed­ding attire, a blend of tra­di­tion and seduc­tion, awaits her atten­tion, sym­bol­iz­ing the dual aspects of her char­ac­ter.

    Observ­ing Olivi­a’s care­less prox­im­i­ty to the sea’s edge from her win­dow, Jules’s con­cern for her safe­ty is momen­tar­i­ly piqued, yet she decides to focus on her prepa­ra­tions, empha­siz­ing her inde­pen­dence by choos­ing to apply her make­up alone, a deci­sion inspired by Kate Mid­dle­ton.

    How­ev­er, Jules’s rou­tine is dis­rupt­ed when an acci­den­tal spill reveals a sin­is­ter note among her belong­ings, warn­ing her against mar­ry­ing Will due to his deceit­ful nature. This note, which she had pre­vi­ous­ly con­tem­plat­ed and hid­den, resur­faces her doubts and fears, fuelled by pre­vi­ous encoun­ters with pub­lic scruti­ny and anony­mous crit­i­cism linked to Will’s semi-pub­lic fig­ure.

    The note, per­son­al and sug­ges­tive of being deliv­ered by some­one with­in their close cir­cle, ignites a flur­ry of con­flict­ing emo­tions in Jules. Despite an ini­tial reac­tion to pre­serve the note, she ulti­mate­ly decides to destroy it, attempt­ing to erad­i­cate its exis­tence and the accom­pa­ny­ing doubts it sym­bol­izes. This act is a phys­i­cal man­i­fes­ta­tion of her desire to dis­pel the anx­i­eties sur­round­ing her impend­ing mar­riage and regain con­trol over her emo­tion­al state.

    As she resumes her wed­ding prepa­ra­tions, Jules’s thoughts linger on the dis­con­cert­ing note, sym­bol­iz­ing the unre­solved ten­sions and uncer­tain­ties that under­pin her rela­tion­ship with Will. Despite her efforts to dis­miss these con­cerns, the rem­nants of the note’s warn­ing con­tin­ue to haunt her, reflect­ing the intri­cate web of per­son­al and exter­nal pres­sures that chal­lenge her resolve and test the bound­aries of her trust and com­mit­ment.


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