Cover of I Cheerfully Refuse
    Adventure Fiction

    I Cheerfully Refuse

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    I Cheerfully Refuse by Geoffrey W. Berman is a witty and insightful memoir that blends humor with sharp social commentary. The book follows Berman’s experiences as he navigates the challenges of modern life, refusing to conform to societal expectations while embracing individuality and free thought. Through personal anecdotes and thoughtful reflections, Berman explores themes of resistance, authenticity, and the importance of staying true to oneself in an often conformist world.

    Back inside, Lark excit­ed­ly revealed that they had a board­er arriv­ing that evening, prompt­ing them to pre­pare the attic room they occa­sion­al­ly rent­ed out. The space was mod­est, con­sist­ing of a bed and a half bath, and had remained large­ly emp­ty due to the quiet­ness of trav­el­ers on the now dan­ger­ous high­way. As Lark described their deci­sion to accept a board­er, she whim­si­cal­ly acknowl­edged their nature as “quixotes,” open to pos­si­bil­i­ties despite the cir­cum­stances.

    Lark then unveiled her delight about the board­er, Kel­lan, and pre­sent­ed a bound gal­ley of a long-sought book, *I Cheer­ful­ly Refuse*, by Mol­ly Thorn—a unique author whose works had cap­ti­vat­ed Lark since child­hood. Kel­lan had brought the advance copy into the store along with oth­er titles, reviv­ing Lark’s long-stand­ing desire to read it. The book was sig­nif­i­cant for its rar­i­ty, and Lark shared her his­to­ry of search­ing for this elu­sive title since she was twelve.

    As they pre­pared the room, Lark offered infor­ma­tion about Kel­lan, describ­ing his slen­der fig­ure and notable fea­tures, includ­ing a dam­aged hand. The con­ver­sa­tion turned to an infa­mous event from Michi­gan’s labor his­to­ry where work­ers dis­ap­peared, not­ed for their skele­tal appear­ances, prompt­ing Lark to refer to Kel­lan as per­haps a “squelette.”

    When Kel­lan arrived, he was seen as frag­ile and shy, car­ry­ing a chil­dren’s suit­case and show­ing reluc­tance to engage in con­ver­sa­tion or even accept food. Lark guid­ed him upstairs to his room while they tend­ed to final prepa­ra­tions. Lat­er that night, Lark and Rainy exchanged whis­pers, con­tem­plat­ing Kel­lan’s mys­te­ri­ous ori­gins and the future they could fore­see for him, which was a pecu­liar­i­ty of Lark’s. He planned to head to his uncle’s in Thun­der Bay, and Lark asked Rainy to assist Kel­lan with his car, sens­ing he would need help.

    As they set­tled back into com­fort­able silence, the nar­ra­tive reflect­ed on the pecu­liar­i­ties of human con­nec­tion, the rem­nants of a trou­bled jour­ney, and the lit­tle joys hid­den with­in the mun­dane. Lark’s intu­itive grasp of Kel­lan’s char­ac­ter hint­ed at a sto­ry yet to unfold, as both she and Rainy nav­i­gat­ed the blend of hos­pi­tal­i­ty and curios­i­ty that the new board­er embod­ied.


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