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    In Decem­ber 2008, amidst the joy of a NASA con­tract win, Elon Musk faced a dire chal­lenge with Tes­la, which teetered on the brink of bank­rupt­cy. The start­up was run­ning out of funds, unable to cov­er pay­roll by Christ­mas Eve. Musk’s solu­tion was to pro­pose a new equi­ty round of $20 mil­lion from exist­ing investors, a tem­porar­i­ly life­line to sus­tain the com­pa­ny. How­ev­er, this plan almost cap­sized when one investor, Van­tage­Point Cap­i­tal’s Alan Salz­man, resist­ed. Salz­man, advo­cat­ing for Tes­la to become a bat­tery sup­pli­er to tra­di­tion­al car com­pa­nies and crit­i­cal of Musk’s man­age­ment style, clashed with Musk’s vision for Tesla’s autonomous growth.

    Ten­sions esca­lat­ed with­in Tesla’s man­age­ment cir­cle as dis­cus­sions unfold­ed over the company’s strat­e­gy and Musk’s lead­er­ship. A par­tic­u­lar­ly tense unof­fi­cial board call saw Kim­bal Musk and investor Anto­nio Gra­cias vehe­ment­ly defend­ing Elon, pre­vent­ing a poten­tial vote to oust him as CEO. Musk’s frus­tra­tion peaked when a crit­i­cal financ­ing meet­ing was delayed by Salz­man, exac­er­bat­ing the cri­sis. Despite per­son­al griev­ances and heat­ed dis­cus­sions, Musk man­aged to nav­i­gate around Salz­man’s block by restruc­tur­ing the financ­ing into a debt mod­el.

    On Christ­mas Eve, a piv­otal con­fer­ence call unfold­ed at Kim­bal’s res­i­dence in Boul­der. A break­through came when Van­tage­Point, despite pre­vi­ous resis­tance, endorsed the new financ­ing plan. This event, described as a Christ­mas mir­a­cle, saved Tes­la from insol­ven­cy, safe­guard­ing the future of elec­tric vehi­cles at a time when major auto­mo­tive play­ers had aban­doned the mar­ket.

    In 2009, amidst crit­i­cism, Tes­la secured a $465 mil­lion loan from the Depart­ment of Ener­gy, dis­tinct from the TARP funds that bailed out major car man­u­fac­tur­ers. This loan, aimed at fos­ter­ing elec­tric vehi­cle pro­duc­tion, required Tes­la to incur expens­es before receiv­ing any funds. By repay­ing the loan in full with inter­est in 2013, Tes­la dis­missed nar­ra­tives of being unfair­ly bailed out, under­scor­ing its resilience and Musk’s unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to his elec­tric vehi­cle vision.


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