Cover of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo A Novel (Taylor Jenkins Reid)

    The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo A Novel (Taylor Jenkins Reid)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid is a captivating, multi-layered story about the glamorous, secretive life of a Hollywood icon. Through a fascinating interview with a young journalist, Evelyn reveals the truths behind her seven marriages, exploring themes of love, ambition, and sacrifice. With rich character development and an unexpected, heart-wrenching twist, this novel is perfect for fans of complex, emotional stories and unforgettable female protagonists.

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    Eve­lyn Hugo to Auc­tion Off Gowns
    MARCH 2, 2017
    Film leg­end and ’60s It Girl Eve­lyn Hugo has just announced
    that she will auc­tion off 12 of her most mem­o­rable gowns
    through Christie’s to raise mon­ey for breast can­cer research.
    At the age of 79, Hugo has long been an icon of glam­our
    and ele­gance. She is known for a per­son­al style both sen­su­al
    and restrained, and many of Hugo’s most famous looks are
    con­sid­ered touch­stones of the fash­ion and Hol­ly­wood
    Those look­ing to own a piece of Hugo his­to­ry will be
    intrigued not only by the gowns them­selves but also by the
    con­text in which they were worn. Includ­ed in the sale will be
    the emer­ald-green Miran­da La Con­da that Hugo wore to the
    1959 Acad­e­my Awards, the vio­let souf­flé and organdy scoop-
    neck she donned at the pre­miere of Anna Karen­i­na in 1962,
    and the navy-blue silk Michael Mad­dax that she was wear­ing
    in 1982 when she won her Oscar for All for Us.
    Hugo has weath­ered her share of Hol­ly­wood scan­dals, not
    the least of which being her sev­en mar­riages, includ­ing her
    decades-long rela­tion­ship with film pro­duc­er Har­ry
    Cameron. The two Hol­ly­wood insid­ers shared a daugh­ter,
    Con­nor Cameron, who is no doubt the influ­ence for the
    auc­tion. Ms. Cameron passed away last year from breast
    can­cer soon after turn­ing 41.
    Born Eve­lyn Ele­na Her­rera in 1938, the daugh­ter of
    Cuban immi­grants, Hugo grew up in the Hell’s Kitchen
    neigh­bor­hood of New York City. By 1955, she had made her
    way to Hol­ly­wood, gone blond, and been rechris­tened Eve­lyn
    Hugo. Almost overnight, Hugo became a mem­ber of the
    Hol­ly­wood elite. She remained in the spot­light for more than
    three decades before retir­ing in the late ’80s and mar­ry­ing


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