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    Inte­ri­or design by Car­ly Loman
    Jack­et design by Lay­wan Kwan
    Jack­et pho­to­graph by Jill Wachter/Gallerystock
    Author pho­to­graph by Scott Wit­ter
    Library of Con­gress Con­trol Num­ber: 2016032066
    ISBN 978–1‑5011–3923‑9
    ISBN 978–1‑5011–3924‑6 (ebook)
    Table of Con­tents
    Eve­lyn Hugo to Auc­tion Off Gowns
    Chap­ter 1
    Eve­lyn Hugo’s Com­ing Clean
    Chap­ter 2
    Chap­ter 3
    Chap­ter 4
    Chap­ter 5
    Part I: Poor Ernie Diaz
    Chap­ter 6
    Chap­ter 7
    Part II: God­damn Don Adler
    Chap­ter 8
    Chap­ter 9
    Sub Rosa: March 4, 1957
    Chap­ter 10
    Chap­ter 11
    Chap­ter 12
    Chap­ter 13
    Chap­ter 14
    Chap­ter 15
    Sub Rosa: June 22, 1959
    Chap­ter 16
    Sub Rosa: June 29, 1959
    Chap­ter 17
    Pho­to­Mo­ment: Novem­ber 2, 1959
    Chap­ter 18
    Chap­ter 19
    Chap­ter 20
    Chap­ter 21
    Sub Rosa: Decem­ber 30, 1959
    Chap­ter 22
    Chap­ter 23
    Part III: Gullible Mick Riva
    Pho­to­Mo­ment: Feb­ru­ary 1, 1960
    Chap­ter 24
    Chap­ter 25
    Pho­to­Mo­ment: Sep­tem­ber 15, 1961
    Hol­ly­wood Digest: Octo­ber 2, 1961
    Sub Rosa: Octo­ber 23, 1961
    Chap­ter 26
    Sub Rosa: Novem­ber 1, 1961
    Chap­ter 27
    Chap­ter 28
    Pho­to­Mo­ment: Decem­ber 4, 1961
    Sub Rosa: Decem­ber 12, 1961
    Chap­ter 29
    Chap­ter 30
    Part IV: Clever Rex North
    Chap­ter 31
    Pho­to­Mo­ment: Novem­ber 26, 1962
    Pho­to­Mo­ment: Decem­ber 10, 1962
    Hol­ly­wood Digest: Decem­ber 17, 1962
    Chap­ter 32
    Chap­ter 33
    Chap­ter 34
    Chap­ter 35
    Part V: Bril­liant, Kind­heart­ed, Tor­tured Har­ry Cameron
    Chap­ter 36
    Pho­to­Mo­ment: August 14, 1967
    Chap­ter 37
    Chap­ter 38
    Chap­ter 39
    Chap­ter 40
    Pho­to­Mo­ment: May 23, 1975
    Chap­ter 41
    Chap­ter 42
    Chap­ter 43
    Chap­ter 44
    Chap­ter 45
    Chap­ter 46
    Chap­ter 47
    Now This: July 3, 1980
    Chap­ter 48
    Chap­ter 49
    Chap­ter 50
    Chap­ter 51
    Part VI: Dis­ap­point­ing Max Girard
    Now This: June 11, 1982
    Chap­ter 52
    Chap­ter 53
    Chap­ter 54
    Chap­ter 55
    Now This: July 1, 1988
    Chap­ter 56
    Now This: Feb­ru­ary 28, 1989
    Now This: Sep­tem­ber 4, 1989
    Chap­ter 57
    Chap­ter 58
    Part VII: Agree­able Robert Jami­son
    Now This: Jan­u­ary 8, 1990
    Chap­ter 59
    Chap­ter 60
    Now This: July 5, 2000
    Chap­ter 61
    Chap­ter 62
    Chap­ter 63
    Chap­ter 64
    Chap­ter 65
    Chap­ter 66
    Chap­ter 67
    Chap­ter 68
    Chap­ter 69
    Eve­lyn Hugo, Leg­endary Film Siren, Has Died
    Eve­lyn and Me
    Read­ing Group Guide


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