III-The Cavalry General
by LovelyMayThe third chapter of “The Cavalry General” delves into the specialized duties of a cavalry general, emphasizing the importance of acquiring divine favor through sacrifices for the state cavalry, enhancing public festivals and processions, and ensuring the grandeur of cavalry displays at various locations such as the Academy, Lyceum, and Phaleron. The text suggests that the processions be made splendid by having riders honor sacred sites and deities in a specific ceremonial order, thereby linking military display to religious and civic tradition.
A detailed account is provided on how the cavalry should maneuver during these processions and exhibitions to demonstrate their skill, discipline, and the beauty of their formations. This includes instructions for lance positioning to minimize accidents and maximize the impression of orderly terror, a rapid gallop towards the Eleusinion, and a slow return to further honor the gods. These recommendations not only aim to delight the gods and spectators but also to instill pride and precision among the cavalrymen.
The narrative then transitions to discussing the tactical displays during the march-past, particularly before the javelin-throwing contest in the Lyceum, emphasizing the importance of formations that showcase the cavalry’s readiness for battle. Additionally, it touches on training for descending steep inclines at a gallop, highlighting the necessity for troopers to trust in their skills and avoid learning these critical maneuvers in the face of actual combat.
Lastly, the chapter outlines optimal performance during reviews and inspections, suggesting that the commanding general should utilize the outer flank for continuous movement, thereby keeping the spectacle dynamic while allowing horses and riders brief rest periods. This strategy aims not only to demonstrate the proficiency and stamina of the cavalry but also to maintain their readiness for extended periods without undue fatigue.
Overall, this detailed narration of cavalry duties underscores the intricate balance between ceremonial pomp, rigorous training, and tactical readiness, positioning the cavalry general’s role as pivotal to the state’s military and ceremonial prominence.