CHAPTER 20 -The beasts of Tarzan
by LovelyMayIn Chapter 20, titled “Jungle Island Again,” the narrative returns to the stranded party on Jungle Island, led by Tarzan, struggling for survival. Tarzan emphasizes the construction of a vessel to return to the mainland, a daunting task that causes discord and laziness among the crew, raising Tarzan’s concern for Jane’s safety with the increasingly unreliable Kincaid’s crew. Conversely, on the island’s north coast, the mutineers of the schooner Cowrie, under Gust, Momulla, and Kai Shang, plot greedily over their stolen pearls, unaware of their ship being the potential salvation for Tarzan’s group.
Gust harbors plans to abandon his cohorts with the Cowrie, manipulating fears of being pursued by a man-of-war seen days earlier to stall departure. This lie, coupled with his claim about the warship’s supposed wireless eavesdropping, buys time, reflecting his cunning yet cowardly nature.
Unexpectedly, Momulla encounters Schneider and Schmidt from the Kincaid, who conspire to leave the island, taking Jane as a means to ensure their payment. Their plan aligns with Momulla’s group’s needs, leading to a proposed alliance to capture Jane and use the Cowrie for their escape, potentially leaving Gust obsolete.
The chapter shifts towards action as Gust, overhearing Kai Shang and Momulla’s murderous intent towards him due to his navigational skills, flees into the daunting jungle, prioritizing survival over his fear of its unknown dangers. This departure marks a significant turning point, emphasizing the prevailing disloyalty and desperation among the stranded parties on the island.