Cover of The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

    The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk is a groundbreaking book that explores the deep connection between trauma, the brain, and the body. Drawing on years of research and clinical experience, van der Kolk shows how trauma reshapes both mind and body, and offers transformative insights into healing through therapies like mindfulness, yoga, and neurofeedback. A must-read for anyone seeking to understand trauma and its effects, this book is both informative and deeply compassionate.

    Chap­ter 18: Fill­ing in the Holes: Cre­at­ing Struc­tures. Address­ing trau­ma is more than just remem­ber­ing the past—it involves con­fronting the deep voids left by feel­ings of neglect, fear, and aban­don­ment. Grow­ing up with­out affec­tion, in a world where your pain went unseen, often leaves a per­son strug­gling to feel loved or want­ed. The emo­tion­al scars from such expe­ri­ences can dis­tort one’s sense of self-worth and agency, cre­at­ing a life­long chal­lenge in form­ing a healthy iden­ti­ty.

    Research by Judy Her­man and oth­ers has demon­strat­ed that indi­vid­u­als who felt unwant­ed or unsafe as chil­dren often strug­gle to ful­ly ben­e­fit from con­ven­tion­al ther­a­py. These peo­ple may pos­sess a deep intel­lec­tu­al under­stand­ing of their issues, yet find it hard to engage with the emo­tions and mem­o­ries that would allow for heal­ing. As a psy­chi­a­trist, I wit­nessed first­hand how this emo­tion­al dis­con­nect pre­vent­ed some of my most com­mit­ted patients from mak­ing mean­ing­ful progress in ther­a­py. They could not access the emo­tion­al mem­o­ries that could reframe their neg­a­tive beliefs and feel­ings about them­selves.

    A break­through came when I attend­ed a work­shop led by Albert Pes­so, a for­mer dancer and the cre­ator of PBSP (Pes­so Boy­den Sys­tem Psy­chomo­tor Ther­a­py). Pesso’s approach was cen­tered around using phys­i­cal move­ments and group inter­ac­tion to help indi­vid­u­als recon­nect with their emo­tions and mem­o­ries. His tech­nique involved cre­at­ing “struc­tures,” phys­i­cal role-play­ing sce­nar­ios where par­tic­i­pants could explore and re-enact crit­i­cal moments from their past. Through these struc­tures, the pro­tag­o­nists could con­front the emo­tion­al absence in their lives, often for the first time, and begin to fill the void with expe­ri­ences of care and val­i­da­tion. The phys­i­cal­i­ty of this approach helped the par­tic­i­pants expe­ri­ence emo­tions in a vis­cer­al way, some­thing tra­di­tion­al talk ther­a­py often strug­gled to achieve.

    This inno­v­a­tive approach was espe­cial­ly pow­er­ful when deal­ing with unre­solved trau­ma. By using role play and “con­tact per­sons,” par­tic­i­pants could recre­ate sit­u­a­tions where they felt neglect­ed or unloved, and then insert ide­al­ized fig­ures into these scenes, such as a nur­tur­ing par­ent or a sup­port­ive friend. This process allowed them to expe­ri­ence what it would have felt like if their needs had been met, giv­ing them a new inter­nal map of safe­ty and care. Research on neu­roimag­ing sug­gests that trau­ma is often imprint­ed on the right hemi­sphere of the brain, the area respon­si­ble for non­ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion, such as facial expres­sions and body lan­guage. By engag­ing this part of the brain, PBSP ther­a­py facil­i­tates a deep­er, more pro­found heal­ing expe­ri­ence than cog­ni­tive approach­es alone.

    Through these phys­i­cal struc­tures, indi­vid­u­als could also explore new forms of emo­tion­al expres­sion and release. For instance, when one par­tic­i­pant con­front­ed her father’s abuse, she was able to cre­ate an ide­al­ized ver­sion of him, one who could pro­vide care and pro­tec­tion. As the exer­cise unfold­ed, she not only expe­ri­enced the pain of the past but also began to feel the relief of wit­ness­ing a father who was capa­ble of love and under­stand­ing. This process helped shift her per­cep­tion of her­self, allow­ing her to inter­nal­ize a more bal­anced and car­ing image of her father, which in turn improved her sense of self-worth.

    The role of the ther­a­pist in these ses­sions is crucial—they guide par­tic­i­pants in cre­at­ing these emo­tion­al shifts by facil­i­tat­ing the move­ment of the struc­tures and offer­ing feed­back through “wit­ness­ing.” The wit­ness­ing pres­ence pro­vides val­i­da­tion and recog­ni­tion of the par­tic­i­pan­t’s feel­ings, offer­ing a safe space for deep­er explo­ration. As the pro­tag­o­nist moves through their struc­ture, they often have pow­er­ful emo­tion­al break­throughs, expe­ri­enc­ing a cathar­sis that is dif­fi­cult to achieve through words alone. For many, these break­throughs are essen­tial for over­com­ing the trau­ma that has shaped their iden­ti­ty for so long.

    In these types of ther­a­py, indi­vid­u­als not only come to terms with the hurt of the past but also cre­ate new, empow­er­ing nar­ra­tives for their futures. Just like revis­it­ing a dif­fi­cult child­hood mem­o­ry, these ther­a­peu­tic exer­cis­es help indi­vid­u­als rewrite the sto­ry of their lives, giv­ing them a sense of con­trol and agency over their emo­tions. The result is not only a change in how they see them­selves but a trans­for­ma­tion in their abil­i­ty to relate to oth­ers, ulti­mate­ly fos­ter­ing health­i­er, more ful­fill­ing rela­tion­ships. As we have learned through decades of psy­cho­log­i­cal research, chang­ing the emo­tion­al land­scape of the past can have a pro­found impact on the present, allow­ing indi­vid­u­als to rewrite the script of their lives.

    Psy­chomo­tor ther­a­py offers a tan­gi­ble and trans­for­ma­tive way to recon­nect with lost parts of one­self and heal from the wounds of trau­ma. By cre­at­ing struc­tures, indi­vid­u­als can relive past events in a con­trolled, safe space and exper­i­ment with rewrit­ing them in a way that ful­fills unmet emo­tion­al needs. This approach helps break the cycle of trau­ma and aban­don­ment, offer­ing par­tic­i­pants a chance to rebuild their self-worth and reclaim their emo­tion­al agency.


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