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The goal of introducing the diagnosis of Developmental Trauma Disorder is
to capture the reality of the clinical presentations of children and
adolescents exposed to chronic interpersonal trauma and thereby guide
clinicians to develop and utilize effective interventions and for researchers
to study the neurobiology and transmission of chronic interpersonal
violence. Whether or not they exhibit symptoms of PTSD, children who
have developed in the context of ongoing danger, maltreatment, and
inadequate caregiving systems are ill-served by the current diagnostic
system, as it frequently leads to no diagnosis, multiple unrelated diagnoses,
an emphasis on behavioral control without recognition of interpersonal
trauma and lack of safety in the etiology of symptoms, and a lack of
attention to ameliorating the developmental disruptions that underlie the
The Consensus Proposed Criteria for Developmental Trauma Disorder
were devised and put forward in February 2009 by a National Child
Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)-affiliated Task Force led by Bessel A.
van der Kolk, MD and Robert S. Pynoos, MD, with the participation of
Dante Cicchetti, PhD, Marylene Cloitre, PhD, Wendy D’Andrea, PhD,
Julian D. Ford, PhD, Alicia F. Lieberman, PhD, Frank W. Putnam, MD,
Glenn Saxe, MD, Joseph Spinazzola, PhD, Bradley C. Stolbach, PhD, and
Martin Teicher, MD, PhD. The consensus proposed criteria are based on
extensive review of empirical literature, expert clinical wisdom, surveys of
NCTSN clinicians, and preliminary analysis of data from thousands of
children in numerous clinical and child service system settings, including
NCTSN treatment centers, state child welfare systems, inpatient psychiatric
settings, and juvenile detention centers. Because their validity, prevalence,
symptom thresholds, or clinical utility have yet to be examined through
prospective data collection or analysis, these proposed criteria should not be
viewed as a formal diagnostic category to be incorporated into the DSM as
written here. Rather, they are intended to describe the most clinically
significant symptoms exhibited by many children and adolescents following
complex trauma. These proposed criteria have guided the Developmental
Trauma Disorder field trials that began in 2009 and continue to this day.
A. Exposure. The child or adolescent has experienced or witnessed
multiple or prolonged adverse events over a period of at least one
year beginning in childhood or early adolescence, including:
A. 1. Direct experience or witnessing of repeated and severe
episodes of interpersonal violence; and
A. 2. Significant disruptions of protective caregiving as the result of
repeated changes in primary caregiver; repeated separation from
the primary caregiver; or exposure to severe and persistent
emotional abuse
B. Affective and Physiological Dysregulation. The child exhibits
impaired normative developmental competencies related to arousal
regulation, including at least two of the following:
B. 1. Inability to modulate, tolerate, or recover from extreme affect
states (e.g., fear, anger, shame), including prolonged and extreme
tantrums, or immobilization
B. 2. Disturbances in regulation in bodily functions (e.g. persistent
disturbances in sleeping, eating, and elimination; over-reactivity
or under-reactivity to touch and sounds; disorganization during
routine transitions)
B. 3. Diminished awareness/dissociation of sensations, emotions
and bodily states
B. 4. Impaired capacity to describe emotions or bodily states
C. Attentional and Behavioral Dysregulation: The child exhibits
impaired normative developmental competencies related to sustained
attention, learning, or coping with stress, including at least three of
the following:
C. 1. Preoccupation with threat, or impaired capacity to perceive
threat, including misreading of safety and danger cues
C. 2. Impaired capacity for self-protection, including extreme risk-
taking or thrill-seeking
C. 3. Maladaptive attempts at self-soothing (e.g., rocking and other
rhythmical movements, compulsive masturbation)
C. 4. Habitual (intentional or automatic) or reactive self-harm
C. 5. Inability to initiate or sustain goal-directed behavior
D. Self and Relational Dysregulation. The child exhibits impaired
normative developmental competencies in their sense of personal
identity and involvement in relationships, including at least three of
the following:
D. 1. Intense preoccupation with safety of the caregiver or other
loved ones (including precocious caregiving) or difficulty
tolerating reunion with them after separation
D. 2. Persistent negative sense of self, including self-loathing,
helplessness, worthlessness, ineffectiveness, or defectiveness
D. 3. Extreme and persistent distrust, defiance or lack of reciprocal
behavior in close relationships with adults or peers
D. 4. Reactive physical or verbal aggression toward peers,
caregivers, or other adults
D. 5. Inappropriate (excessive or promiscuous) attempts to get
intimate contact (including but not limited to sexual or physical
intimacy) or excessive reliance on peers or adults for safety and