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    In the sea-bound legend of Captain Capel Cleggs, our tale unfolds with a vignette of maritime adventure and whimsical enchantment. Captain Cleggs, a man of moral stature if not of notable height, would often bask in the sea air by an open port, showcasing his well-formed legs, a sight so rare and captivating that it drew the attention of mermaid throngs. These sea maidens, unaccustomed to the sight of human legs, marveled at Cleggs’s limbs, considering them superior in beauty and elegance to any merman’s tail.

    This daily assembly didn’t sit well with the mermen, who initially dismissed the spectacle with scorn. However, as time passed, jealousy took root, prompting them to emulate the captain by attempting to clothe their tails in silken garments, akin to the fine hose and smalls worn by Cleggs. Their efforts, however, were met with frustration and discomfort, as the delicate fabric clashed with their scaly tails, causing damage and discontent among their ranks.

    In a desperate bid to regain their dignity and the mermaids’ admiration, the mermen devised a plan, dispatching their most charming envoy with a note for Captain Cleggs. The message, sent from their monarch, aimed to address this peculiar and escalating situation born out of admiration for the captain’s legs and the subsequent envy it spurred among the sea’s male inhabitants.

    The ballad, steeped in humor and the fantastical, paints a vivid picture of life at sea, where human and mythical sea creatures interact in unexpected and amusing ways. Captain Cleggs’s unwitting allure and the lengths to which the mermen go to replicate his esteemed appearance speak to themes of admiration, emulation, and the sometimes-comical outcomes of envy. Through this engaging narrative, the poem offers a light-hearted reflection on the nature of attraction and the complexities of inter-species relations beneath the ocean’s surface.


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