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    Cover of Lazarillo of Tormes

    Lazarillo of Tormes

    by LovelyMay

    Lazaril­lo of Tormes is a Span­ish picaresque nov­el that fol­lows the adven­tures of the impov­er­ished and cun­ning Lazaril­lo, as he nav­i­gates a series of cor­rupt mas­ters, offer­ing a satir­i­cal com­men­tary on soci­ety, class, and human nature.

      1,777 Words
    2. Translator’s Note
      1,989 Words
      2,667 Words
    4. I. Lazaro Tells about His Life and His Parents
      2,253 Words
    5. I. Where Lazaro Tells about How He Left Toledo to Go to the War of Algiers
      2,036 Words
    6. II. How Lazaro Took up with a Priest and the Things That Happened to Him with That Man
      2,161 Words
    7. II. How Lazaro Embarked at Cartagena
      2,451 Words
    8. III. How Lazaro Escaped from the Sea
      1,776 Words
    9. III. How Lazaro Took up with a Squire and What Happened to Him Then
      2,674 Words
    10. IV. How They Took Lazaro through Spain
      2,329 Words
    11. V. How They Took Lazaro to the Capital
      2,155 Words
    12. V. How Lazaro Went to Work for a Pardoner and the Things That Happened to Him Then
      1,925 Words
    13. VI. How They Took Lazaro to Toledo
      2,063 Words
    14. VII. What Happened to Lazaro on the Way to the Tagus River
      2,420 Words
    15. VII. How Lazaro Went to Work for a Constable and Then What Happened to Him
      2,199 Words
    16. VIII. How Lazaro Brought a Lawsuit against His Wife
      2,385 Words
    17. VIII. In Which Lazaro Tells of the Friendship He Struck up in Toledo with Some Germans and What Happened to Them
      1,953 Words
    18. IX. How Lazaro Became a Baggage Carrier
      2,395 Words
    19. X. What Happened to Lazaro with an Old Bawd
      2,417 Words
    20. XI. How Lazaro Left for His Homeland and What Happened to Him on the Way
      1,970 Words
    21. XII. What Happened to Lazaro in an Inn Three Miles outside of Valladolid
      2,099 Words
    22. XIII. How Lazaro Was a Squire for Seven Women at One Time
      2,165 Words
    23. XIV. Where Lazaro Tells What Happened to Him at a Dinner
      1,763 Words
    24. XV. How Lazaro Became a Hermit
      2,054 Words
    25. XVI. How Lazaro Decided to Marry Again
      1,938 Words
      1,987 Words

