Cover of Holly (Stephen King)

    Holly (Stephen King)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Holly by Stephen King follows private investigator Holly Gibney as she unravels a dark mystery involving a missing woman and a series of murders.

    On an unusu­al­ly warm Novem­ber evening in a city by the lake, Peter “Stinky” Stein­man is skate­board­ing towards the Dairy Whip, dream­ing of burg­ers. The street, shroud­ed in mist, is desert­ed except for a sus­pi­cious van parked at an old gas sta­tion which Stinky fails to notice. Recount­ed is the event three years pri­or that earned him the nick­name “Stinky” after acci­den­tal­ly step­ping in dog feces on his way to school. Despite his efforts to clean up, the name sticks.

    At the Dairy Whip, Stinky finds his friends, Richie and Tom­my, who are prepar­ing to leave for pri­or com­mit­ments. After they leave, Stinky attempts some skate­board­ing tricks but decides to head home when he fails, hop­ing to catch WWE Smack­down with­out dis­turb­ing his moth­er, who is busy with work after over­com­ing past trou­bles.

    With only fifty cents to his name and unwill­ing to face the rejec­tion of ask­ing for cred­it from “Wicked Wan­da” at the Whip, Stinky retreats. While pre­tend­ing to be a hero like John Wick, he’s inter­rupt­ed by an elder­ly man seek­ing help for his wife, who’s sup­pos­ed­ly stuck in a wheel­chair with a dead bat­tery by their van. Stinky, in a burst of chival­ry, agrees to help with­out accept­ing the man’s offer of ten dol­lars, envi­sion­ing him­self as Jack­ie Chan who would­n’t take mon­ey for a good deed. How­ev­er, as they approach the van and the task at hand becomes clear, Stinky nego­ti­ates for three dol­lars to sat­is­fy his hunger with a burg­er from the Whip, show­cas­ing his blend of naivety and devel­op­ing street smarts.


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