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    On July 27, 2021, Hol­ly meets with Avram Welch at his Sun­rise Bay con­do­mini­um, filled with boats in bot­tles and a cher­ished pho­to of his late wife, Mary, who suc­cumbed to lung can­cer despite nev­er smok­ing. Welch recounts the sig­nif­i­cant dates sur­round­ing his dou­ble knee replace­ment and the last times he fre­quent­ed the bowl­ing alley, express­ing fond­ness for Cary, a well-liked, albeit a bit eccen­tric, mem­ber of their bowl­ing group, known among them as the Gold­en Oldies. Cary’s and oth­ers’ mar­i­jua­na use dur­ing their gath­er­ings, accord­ing to Welch, enhanced their game, except for Rod­dy, who abstained. Hol­ly con­sid­ers the pos­si­bil­i­ty of Welch being the Red Bank Preda­tor, which con­flicts pro­found­ly with her instincts and beliefs.

    Mean­while, Bar­bara is engrossed in Ran­dall Jar­rel­l’s poet­ry, inter­rupt­ed by a call from her broth­er Jerome, who excit­ed­ly shares his upcom­ing week­end plans in Mon­tauk. Their con­ver­sa­tion shifts to Bar­bara’s poet­ry endeav­ors, lead­ing to her reveal­ing a sig­nif­i­cant lit­er­ary oppor­tu­ni­ty with the Pen­ley Prize, thanks to Olivia Kings­bury’s secret sub­mis­sion of her work. Jerome’s enthu­si­as­tic response to her news reflects their strong sib­ling bond.

    Jerome then updates Bar­bara on Hol­ly’s detec­tive work, which might have acci­den­tal­ly unearthed a ser­i­al killer oper­at­ing near Deer­field Park or the col­lege. His recent epiphany about the case intrigues Bar­bara, shift­ing her focus from per­son­al achieve­ments to fam­i­ly and crime-solv­ing involve­ment. Jerome’s request for Bar­bara to retrieve an orange flash dri­ve from their father’s study indi­cates a new twist or vital evi­dence in their col­lab­o­ra­tive effort to under­stand the mys­tery at hand.


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