• Ballad:  An Unfortunate Likeness Cover
      by LovelyMay In "An Unfortunate Likeness" from *The Bab Ballads*, the narrator, an artist who has dedicated his career to painting William Shakespeare in various stages of his life, encounters an individual with a striking resemblance to the Bard himself. Excitedly, the artist believes this man would serve as the perfect model for his Shakespeare-themed artworks, acknowledging the challenges he has faced in capturing Shakespeare's iconic visage. Despite his numerous attempts to depict Shakespeare in various…
    • Ballad:  The Modest Couple Cover
      by LovelyMay "The Modest Couple" from "The Bab Ballads" humorously portrays the extreme bashfulness of a couple, Peter and Sarah, from their betrothal in infancy until their exceedingly modest marriage. Their relationship is characterized by excessive shyness, with both parties fainting and blushing at mere introductions. This shyness persists despite the Baron's (Peter's father) attempts to normalize their interactions, which both Sarah and Peter find coarse and alarming. Their modesty reaches a peak when, at the…
    • Ballad:  The Martinet Cover
      by LovelyMay In the humorous ballad "The Martinet" from "The Bab Ballads", the tale contrasts two captains of the ship the MANTELPIECE, depicting the shift from a happy to a tumultuous atmosphere due to the change in leadership. Initially, we hear of Captain Reece, a leader who prioritizes the needs and whims of his crew, fostering a strong bond and a contented team. Reece, being laid off, is replaced by Sir Berkely, a strict and unforgiving martinet who rules with an iron fist, utilizing whips and confinement as means…
    • Ballad:  The Sailor Boy To His Lass Cover
      by LovelyMay In the ballad "The Sailor Boy to His Lass," the narrator, a sailor boy, addresses his beloved Matilda as he prepares to set sail. The poem opens with his departure for an undisclosed location, as the captain, Captain Hyde, keeps the destination a secret from the crew. The sailor boy expresses frustration over being kept in the dark due to his lowly position but quickly moves past this grievance to focus on matters of the heart. He eagerly questions Matilda about their future, specifically whether they…
    • Ballad:  The Reverend Simon Magus Cover
      by LovelyMay In the ballad "The Reverend Simon Magus," a wealthy and competitive advowson, sought after by many clergymen, comes to the attention of The Reverend Simon Magus. Desiring to purchase this valuable position, he engages with an agent to discuss acquiring the Cure of Otium-cum-Digge. The agent describes the vicarage as the epitome of comfort, free from duties, with an annual income of fifteen hundred pounds. He hints that the position will soon be available due to the current incumbent's advanced age of…
    • Ballad:  Damon v. Pythias Cover
      by LovelyMay The ballad of "Damon v. Pythias" narrates the extraordinary tale of two inseparable friends, Damon and Pythias, who were known for their unshakeable bond from adolescence through their careers as prosperous merchant princes. Their friendship was a paragon of unity; not even the customary discord between spouses could mar the harmony between the two families. Contrary to expectations that this story leads to a legal dispute that sours their relationship, the litigation mentioned was but a benign contest,…
    • Ballad:  My Dream Cover
      by LovelyMay In the imaginative ballad "My Dream" from "The Bab Ballads," the poet recounts a fascinating dream where societal norms are completely inverted in a place called Topsy-Turveydom. Here, the conventional understandings of virtue and vice are flipped, as are perceptions of value and morality. In this realm, black is white, and right is wrong, challenging the reader's preconceptions and inviting them to question societal norms. Babies born in Topsy-Turveydom are astonishingly wise, familiar with advanced…
    • Ballad:  The Bishop Of Rum-Ti-Foo Again Cover
      by LovelyMay The ballad "The Bishop of Rum-Ti-Foo Again" recounts the return of a beloved bishop, Peter, to his followers after a year's absence. Peter, distinguished among his peers, brought back valuable knowledge from his journeys to his colonial congregation. Emphasizing the importance of art and education, Peter had previously introduced the Payne-cum-Lauri feat to enrich the lives of his flock in Rum-ti-Foo, aiming to spread the fruits of progress to the most remote corners. Upon his return, the bishop found…
    • Ballad:  A Worm Will Turn Cover
      by LovelyMay In the ballad "A Worm Will Turn" from "The Bab Ballads," we are introduced to Bernard Jupp, a man of unyielding joviality and resilience amidst life's adversities. Bernard's optimism doesn't wane, even under the gloomiest circumstances. He faces life with a smile and a joke, making light of his own hardships. Whether tackling poverty or confronting the misfortunes that befall his family, Bernard retains his unwavering spirit. Bernard's father, once a wealthy man with his own house and park, succumbs to…
    • Ballad:  The Haughty Actor Cover
      by LovelyMay In "The Haughty Actor," presented as a ballad from "The Bab Ballads," we meet Gibbs, an actor of Drury Lane, celebrated for his remarkable performance which enticed excessive admiration. This adulation, however, swells his ego to the point of vanity, especially when confronted with a lesser role in another play, which he haughtily refuses. Following this decision, a vivid dream unfolds, serving as the core of our ballad. The dream transports Gibbs into a dramatic altercation with a band of robbers, during…