424 Results with the "Fiction" genre
CHAPTER VIII ‑Frivolous Cupid
Frivolous Cupid's Chapter VIII, "All's Well That Ends Well," takes us into a whimsical narrative centered on Ashimullah, a Grand Vizier under a Sultan, who navigates the complexities of his position, his faith, and the edicts of his ruler, amidst the dynamics of marital obligations within Islamic and Christian contexts. Born or bred a Christian and later converted to Islam for practical reasons, Ashimullah finds his fidelity to his religion challenged by the Sultan's insistence on expanding his marital…-
22.2 K • Ongoing
She was bathed and rested, then she sought out those herbals that know all manner of enchantments and properties of herbs. With them, she made an ointment and washed herself with it, and her flesh became whiter than it was ever before. She dressed herself nobly in clothes that became her right well, so beautiful she was that she seemed rather an angel than a human being. She went to the palace where Aucassin was, and when he saw her, he recognized her not. "Fair sir," said she, "know ye not me? I am…
8.4 K • Ongoing
"THE BLENDING"--of alternate prose and verse--"is not unknown in various countries." Thus in Dr. Steere's Swahili Tales (London, 1870), p. vii. we read: "It is a constant characteristic of popular native tales to have a sort of burden, which all join in singing. Frequently the skeleton of the story seems to be contained in these snatches of singing, which the story-teller connects by an extemporized account of the intervening history . . . Almost all these stories had sung parts, and of some of these,…-
8.4 K • Ongoing
IV. Critique of Language.
Henri Bergson, in "A New Philosophy," presents a complex exploration of perception, matter, and the limitations of conventional thought and language. He delves into the nature of pure perception, which he argues is not merely a subjective experience but rather a direct interaction with reality itself. Bergson suggests that our ordinary perception, limited by our need for practical efficiency, obscures the full depth of reality by favoring a fragmented, simplified view over comprehensive…-
29.1 K • Ongoing
In "A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson," the author delves into Bergson's revolutionary thoughts on consciousness, duration, and liberty. The essence of Bergson's philosophy rests on the critique of the conventional understanding of time and consciousness. He argues against the quantification of psychological processes, emphasizing instead the qualitative and continuous nature of consciousness. Bergson criticizes the mechanical psychology of associationism, typified by thinkers like Taine and Stuart Mill, for…
29.1 K • Ongoing
The chapter from "A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson" delves into the essentials of perception, the intricacies of consciousness, and the evolutionary philosophy that Bergson proposed. It begins by challenging the traditional notion that perception is housed within the subject, arguing instead for the immediacy of perception as existing within both the subject and object, thereby dismissing the fundamental relativity theses as a mere "trick of speech." Subsequent sections tackle the problem of evolution,…
29.1 K • Ongoing
Henri Bergson, in "A New Philosophy," delves into the essence of evolution, knowledge, intuition, and intelligence, arguing against the static depiction of reason as depicted by Kant and advocating for a dynamic understanding of these concepts rooted in life's creative and evolutionary processes. Bergson criticizes the conventional approach to the theory of knowledge, which relies on analyzing the mind's spontaneous works—like perception and science—from a regressive and critical standpoint, a method…
29.1 K • Ongoing
VIII. Conclusion.
In the discussed chapter of "A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson," the narrative delves into Bergson's critiques and expansion of the concept of reason, emphasizing two fundamental types of order: geometric and vital. Bergson is portrayed as moving away from a rigid, rationalist understanding of the universe to embrace a more organic, evolutionary perspective. The chapter contrasts the static, predictable pattern of geometric order with the dynamic, creative flux of vital order, arguing that reality…-
29.1 K • Ongoing
Henri Bergson's work, as summarized in this chapter, emphasizes the exceptional importance and infinite reach of his new philosophy. This novel approach, marked by its uniqueness and potential for misunderstanding, positions itself as the future departure point for speculative philosophy, attracting an increasing number of adherents despite the inevitability of misinterpretations and the potential for its transformation into a new form of scholasticism. Bergson's philosophy underlines the centrality of…-
29.1 K • Ongoing
Introduction to “Aucassin and Nicolete”: A Unique Artistic Poetic Work “Aucassin and Nicolete” stands as a remarkable and rare artifact in the realm of artistic poetry. Its survival through the turbulent waves of time, which have erased much of ancient literary treasures like those of Menander and Sappho, presents a unique glimpse into a form of storytelling from the twelfth or thirteenth century that combines prose and verse in a singular manner—known as the cante-fable. Unlike the fabliaux and…-
8.4 K • Ongoing
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