Cant Hurt Me Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds (David Goggins)
by testsuphomeAdminGiven the provided text appears to be bibliographic information and legal disclaimers rather than an actual chapter of content, my summary will focus on conveying the essential information presented, compliant with your requirements:
This text outlines key bibliographic details and copyright notices for a publication translated and published by riva Verlag, a part of the Münchner Verlagsgruppe GmbH, located at Türkenstraße 89, 80799 München. The original American edition of the book, titled “Can’t Hurt Me,” was published in 2018 by Lioncrest Publishing and is copyrighted by Goggins Built Not Born, LLC. The German edition makes a specific note regarding gender-neutral language use for improved readability, opting out of multiple designations or gender-specific writing styles. The publication includes standard copyright protections, restricting reproduction in any form, whether through photocopying, microfilm, or any electronic systems, without written permission from the publisher. The document also references the publisher’s rights under § 44b UrhG for text and data mining. The translation was done by Peter Peschke, with Rainer Weber handling the editorial work. The cover design is credited to Erin Tyler, with cover photography by Loveless Photography. Typesetting was done by Daniel Förster, and eBook formatting by The ISBN numbers for the print, PDF eBook, and EPUB/Mobi formats are provided along with contact information for riva Verlag and a mention of the Münchner Verlagsgruppe GmbH’s website for further information.
This summary captures the essence and key details of the bibliographic entry provided, aiming to maintain the original document’s style and focus on specified information, such as copyrights, ISBNs, and publisher details.