Cover of Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    Twisted Games (2-Twisted)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    Twisted Games by Ana Huang is a captivating, steamy romance that follows the intense, forbidden love story between a princess and her bodyguard. Filled with sizzling chemistry, emotional depth, and plenty of twists, this book explores themes of power, trust, and love against a backdrop of royal intrigue. Perfect for fans of contemporary romance with strong, complex characters and a thrilling plot.

    Fol­low­ing a piv­otal encounter with Rhys, Brid­get ignites her bold strat­e­gy, aim­ing for trans­for­ma­tive lead­er­ship over the realm of Eldor­ra, detach­ing from the phi­los­o­phy of instill­ing fear as a means of rule. On a brisk Sun­day, three days post her meet­ing with Rhys, she con­venes an unsched­uled press con­fer­ence on the palace’s ver­dant north­ern lawn, greet­ed by a mix of jour­nal­ists and spec­ta­tors eager for a roy­al sight­ing. Hav­ing briefed her U.S.-based com­rades about her inten­tions, yet opt­ing to con­duct the press event post their depar­ture to shield them from the ensu­ing storm, Brid­get embarks on a soli­tary mis­sion to voice her deter­mi­na­tions and visions.

    Address­ing the assem­bly with an uncom­mon­ly infor­mal tone, Brid­get reveals her reflec­tions on her jour­ney and oblig­a­tions as the coun­try’s future monarch. She acknowl­edges the spec­u­la­tion around her ade­qua­cy for the throne, attribut­ing such doubts to her ini­tial reac­tion to her broth­er, Prince Niko­lai’s abdi­ca­tion announce­ment. Brid­get recounts her trans­for­ma­tive expe­ri­ences trav­el­ing across Eldor­ra, engag­ing with its cit­i­zens, and under­stand­ing their dai­ly lives and anx­i­eties, empha­siz­ing her com­mit­ment to pro­pel the nation for­ward while cher­ish­ing its tra­di­tions.

    High­light­ing the heart of her dis­course, Brid­get address­es the Roy­al Mar­riages Law and its obso­lete con­straints, sub­se­quent­ly admit­ting to her gen­uine rela­tion­ship with Rhys Larsen, her for­mer body­guard. This con­fes­sion dis­rupts the assem­bly into a state of ani­mat­ed chaos, ampli­fy­ing Brid­get’s mes­sage’s impact and its invi­ta­tion for soci­etal and leg­isla­tive intro­spec­tion.

    Tak­ing an astute ques­tion from Jas, a reporter from The Dai­ly Tea, Brid­get clar­i­fies her stance on the anti­quat­ed Roy­al Mar­riages Law, urg­ing for its reassess­ment and advo­cat­ing for a bal­ance between per­son­al choic­es and roy­al duties. Artic­u­lat­ing the essence of her speech, Brid­get aims to sway pub­lic opin­ion and Par­lia­men­t’s stance through a com­pelling blend of eth­i­cal, log­i­cal, and emo­tion­al appeals, under­lin­ing her strate­gic acu­men and deep-root­ed love for Rhys Larsen, crys­tal­liz­ing her unwa­ver­ing resolve to rede­fine monar­chy in the con­tem­po­rary era of Eldor­ra.


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