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    The waiter asked him what it would be: was it Mocha coffee he’d like, or would he prefer the Parisian, or was the real Turkish to his taste? The warden, bewildered in his choice among such delicacies, modestly requested a cup of coffee, leaving the selection to the waiter, who then retired with a low bow.

    Here, then, Mr. Harding settled himself with a periodical in hand on one of the inviting sofas. He could not but admire the quiet luxury of his surroundings, the subdued lighting, the plush comfort of his seat, and the soothing ambiance that surrounded him. He soon became engrossed in an article that caught his fancy, enjoying the rich aroma of his coffee as he sipped it leisurely. Time seemed to stand still in this serene environment, and Mr. Harding felt a sense of peace he had not known throughout his tumultuous day.

    However, as the hours wore on, even the allure of the divan began to diminish. His thoughts inevitably returned to the daunting realities awaiting him, the pressing weight of his upcoming decision hanging heavily over him. The sanctuary of the divan could offer only a temporary respite from the harshness of his situation. Nevertheless, Mr. Harding cherished these moments of solitary reflection, recognizing the need for calm before confronting the storm brewing on the horizon of his life.

    As the clock steadily moved towards 10 P.M., a gentle reminder of the passing time nudged Mr. Harding from his musings. He realized with a start that his rendezvous with Sir Abraham Haphazard was nearly upon him. With a deep, steadying breath, he prepared to leave the comfort of the divan, steeling himself for what was to come. The forthcoming meeting with the attorney-general loomed large in his thoughts, a pivotal moment that would determine much of his future. Yet, fortified by the moments of peace he had grasped in the divan, Mr. Harding felt ready to face whatever outcome awaited him.


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