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    Cover of The Moravians in Georgia

    The Moravians in Georgia

    by LovelyMay

    The Mora­vians in Geor­gia, 1735–1740 by Ade­laide L. Fries chron­i­cles the tri­als and con­tri­bu­tions of Mora­vian mis­sion­ar­ies in colo­nial Geor­gia, high­light­ing their faith, per­se­ver­ance, and cul­tur­al inter­ac­tions dur­ing a piv­otal era.

    1. Chapter I. Antecedent Events.
      2,823 Words
    2. Chapter II. Negotiations with the Trustees of Georgia.
      2,401 Words
    3. Chapter III. The First Year in Georgia.
      205 Words
    4. Chapter IV. Reinforcements.
      1,523 Words
    5. Chapter VI. Disintegration.
      694 Words
    6. Chapter VII. Conclusion.
      2,601 Words

