Cover of The Argonautica

    The Argonautica

    by LovelyMay
    The Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes is an epic poem that follows Jason and the Argonauts on their perilous quest for the Golden Fleece, blending adventure, myth, and human emotion.

    This pas­sage con­cludes the nar­ra­tive of the Arg­onauts and their event­ful jour­ney to retrieve the Gold­en Fleece. Upon return­ing to their home­land, they face no fur­ther adver­si­ties at sea or sig­nif­i­cant con­flicts, mark­ing a peace­ful and unevent­ful con­clu­sion to their epic quest. The nar­ra­tive blends myth with ele­ments of his­toric Greek geog­ra­phy and cus­toms, offer­ing insight into Greek mythol­o­gy’s com­plex world. The tale ends on a pos­i­tive note, with the Arg­onauts safe­ly reach­ing their des­ti­na­tion, high­light­ing themes of adven­ture, divine inter­ven­tion, and the intrin­sic val­ue of uni­ty and coop­er­a­tion among heroes fac­ing the unknown.

    which the Greeks used as a cov­er­ing for their beds. (1) The Sym­ple­gades. (2) Hecate is so called as the daugh­ter of Pers­es. (3) The Planc­tae or Wan­der­ing Rocks, through which the Argo was the first ship to pass. (4) i.e. a cop­per alloy resem­bling gold; the name shows that it came from the far east. (5) i.e. the Sick­le. (6) The Ephyraeans, Corinthi­ans col­o­nized Cor­cyra, and the cor­rup­tion of the one name into the oth­er is com­mon. (7) The text is cor­rupt. (8) Apis, the son of Phoroneus and the nymph Teledice, broth­er to Niobe and the Argive king, and regard­ed as the founder of Argos. (9) Mean­ing “to appear” or “reveal”.


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