Cover of We Solve Murders

    We Solve Murders

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    We Solve Murders by Stephanie Vance is a thrilling mystery that follows a team of skilled investigators as they work together to crack complex, high-stakes cases. With each new investigation, the team uncovers secrets, motives, and twists that keep readers on the edge of their seat. The novel explores themes of teamwork, justice, and the intricacies of solving crimes, offering a compelling look at the pursuit of truth and the consequences of uncovering hidden realities.

    In Chap­ter 59 of “We Solve Mur­ders,” the scene is set in the qui­et Arrivals Hall at Dublin Air­port, where Amy and her com­pan­ions, Steve and Rosie, pre­pare for their stay in Dublin. Despite telling them she needs to “see a man about a gun,” Amy is actu­al­ly on a clan­des­tine mis­sion to pick up a firearm from a sub­ur­ban loca­tion west of Dublin. She is aware of a loom­ing dan­ger and relies on her instincts to nav­i­gate the sit­u­a­tion with­out alarm­ing her friends.

    As the clock approach­es mid­night, they dis­cuss their plans, with Rosie eager to enjoy the Dublin nightlife, while Steve shows reluc­tance. He prefers to spend the evening watch­ing films in their hotel room. Rosie insists that he should explore the vibrant city instead of iso­lat­ing him­self. Despite Steve’s protests cit­ing his need to catch up on TV, Rosie main­tains her resolve to include him in their plans for the night, threat­en­ing to drag him out if nec­es­sary.

    Amy, empa­thet­ic towards Steve’s pre­vi­ous strug­gles, sug­gests allow­ing him to opt out this time. She reg­is­ters the need for a moment of respite for him, hop­ing to bal­ance their fun with his well-being. Once Steve is set­tled into a taxi, Amy checks her watch anx­ious­ly while glanc­ing at the mul­ti-sto­ry park­ing struc­ture across the way.

    Before depart­ing, Rosie reminds Amy to join her for drinks lat­er, empha­siz­ing the guar­an­tee she’s giv­en. As the taxi pulls away with Steve inside, Amy’s thoughts shift toward her upcom­ing task, under­stand­ing the crit­i­cal nature of the next thir­ty min­utes as she pre­pares to move for­ward with her covert mis­sion. The chap­ter cap­tures the dynam­ic between the char­ac­ters, high­light­ing their cama­raderie, along with Amy’s under­ly­ing ten­sion about the immi­nent dan­ger she faces.


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    Cover of We Solve Murders

    We Solve Murders

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    We Solve Murders by Stephanie Vance is a thrilling mystery that follows a team of skilled investigators as they work together to crack complex, high-stakes cases. With each new investigation, the team uncovers secrets, motives, and twists that keep readers on the edge of their seat. The novel explores themes of teamwork, justice, and the intricacies of solving crimes, offering a compelling look at the pursuit of truth and the consequences of uncovering hidden realities.

    In Chap­ter 59 of “All the Col­ors of the Dark,” the pro­tag­o­nist nav­i­gates his day in a state of mut­ed des­o­la­tion, walk­ing the school halls with his head down, avoid­ing the whis­pers of his peers. He faces a moment of con­fronta­tion with the prin­ci­pal, who attempts to inspire him with talk of brav­ery shaped by fear, but instead, he choos­es to escape the con­fines of the school. Out­side, he spots Mr. and Mrs. Roberts head­ing into Lacey’s Din­er, which prompts him to take action against their trust. He sneaks into their home, retrieves the keys to their new mus­tard Aspen, and dri­ves off, recall­ing a time when he had often pulled his mother’s Fair­lane into their dri­ve­way.

    His des­ti­na­tion is the pub­lic library in Pano­ra, where he spends hours sift­ing through micro­fiche, comb­ing through miss­ing per­sons reports, and absorb­ing the grav­i­ty of sor­row that per­me­ates these sto­ries. Patch, as he is known, notes the over­whelm­ing num­ber of young girls miss­ing, each one a life dimin­ished and extin­guished, caus­ing heart­break not just for their loved ones but also frac­tur­ing the very fab­ric of famil­ial bonds as par­ents strug­gle to cope.

    As he dives deep­er into the grim accounts, he is joined by Saint, who pro­vides com­pan­ion­ship amidst the bleak research. Togeth­er they pore over pho­tographs of miss­ing girls, includ­ing one named Cal­lie Mon­trose, whose smil­ing face haunts Patch with a sense of urgency. Their dis­cus­sion turns grave as Saint recounts the dark events sur­round­ing Eli Aaron, a fig­ure linked omi­nous­ly to the dis­ap­pear­ances.

    Patch, grap­pling with the past, push­es for answers while allow­ing mem­o­ries of shared trau­ma to sur­face. Saint, admit­ting her fears, reveals that she had stolen her grandfather’s Colt, demon­strat­ing an awak­en­ing of brav­ery trig­gered by des­per­a­tion. They exchange details about the grim find­ings sur­round­ing the case, includ­ing the unset­tling dis­cov­ery of rosary beads on the vic­tims.

    As the con­ver­sa­tion shifts, a sense of resolve builds in Patch. He asserts his deter­mi­na­tion to find the miss­ing girl, sug­gest­ing to Saint that if Nix won’t take action, he him­self will. His fierce com­mit­ment to uncov­er­ing the truth cul­mi­nates in a vow to leave no stone unturned, ready to con­front what­ev­er obsta­cles lie ahead, vow­ing that he will “burn every­thing in my path till I find her,” unde­terred by the poten­tial con­se­quences .


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    Cover of We Solve Murders

    We Solve Murders

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    We Solve Murders by Stephanie Vance is a thrilling mystery that follows a team of skilled investigators as they work together to crack complex, high-stakes cases. With each new investigation, the team uncovers secrets, motives, and twists that keep readers on the edge of their seat. The novel explores themes of teamwork, justice, and the intricacies of solving crimes, offering a compelling look at the pursuit of truth and the consequences of uncovering hidden realities.

    In chap­ter fifty-nine, nar­rat­ed from Nina’s per­spec­tive, a heart-stop­ping dis­cov­ery and a con­se­quen­tial deci­sion unfold in an attic bathed in flick­er­ing light. Nina finds Andy’s life­less body, which ini­ti­ates a con­fronta­tion with Mil­lie, armed with pep­per spray and reel­ing from her actions. Despite the chill­ing set­ting, marked by death and betray­al, Nina’s focus nar­rows on Millie’s shak­en state, reveal­ing her human­i­ty amidst despair.

    The ten­sion is pal­pa­ble as Mil­lie, hold­ing Nina at bay with pep­per spray, reveals Andy has been dead for days. Nina, assess­ing Andy’s con­di­tion, con­firms his demise, nav­i­gat­ing through the grue­some details with a resilience that under­scores her char­ac­ter’s depth. The room, alive with the echoes of their shared tur­moil, becomes a stage for Mil­lie’s col­lapse into real­iza­tion and remorse.

    Mil­lie, over­whelmed by the grav­i­ty of her actions and the loom­ing threat of incar­cer­a­tion, breaks down. Nina, in a moment that binds tragedy to com­pas­sion, decides to pro­tect her. She offers her­self as the scape­goat for Andy’s death, plan­ning to lever­age her his­to­ry of men­tal health issues as a defense. This piv­otal deci­sion reflects Nina’s com­plex­i­ty and the lengths to which she’ll go to shield Mil­lie, por­tray­ing her as a char­ac­ter enveloped in lay­ers of guilt, empa­thy, and resolve.

    Their con­ver­sa­tion, a blend of con­fes­sion and strat­e­gy, marks a turn­ing point. Through Nina’s eyes, the nar­ra­tive del­i­cate­ly ven­tures into themes of redemp­tion, sac­ri­fice, and the blurred lines between jus­tice and loy­al­ty. The chap­ter clos­es on Nina’s deter­mi­na­tion to alter the course of Millie’s fate, set­ting a grim yet poignant tone for the unfold­ing nar­ra­tive. The attic, once a sym­bol of secrets and dread, trans­forms into a cru­cible where the weight of deci­sions casts long shad­ows over their futures.


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    Cover of We Solve Murders

    We Solve Murders

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    We Solve Murders by Stephanie Vance is a thrilling mystery that follows a team of skilled investigators as they work together to crack complex, high-stakes cases. With each new investigation, the team uncovers secrets, motives, and twists that keep readers on the edge of their seat. The novel explores themes of teamwork, justice, and the intricacies of solving crimes, offering a compelling look at the pursuit of truth and the consequences of uncovering hidden realities.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.

    I win­nowed to a near­by rooftop, an ash arrow clenched in either hand,
    scan­ning where the Attor was high above, flap­ping—
    I slammed a men­tal shield of adamant up against that voice; against him.
    Not now. Not this moment.
    I could vague­ly feel him pound­ing against that shield. Roar­ing at it. But
    even he could not get in.
    The Attor was mine.
    In the dis­tance, rush­ing toward me, toward Velaris, a mighty dark­ness
    devoured the world. Sol­diers in its path did not emerge again.
    My mate. Death incar­nate. Night tri­umphant.
    I spot­ted the Attor again, veer­ing toward the sea, toward Hybern, still
    over the city.
    I win­nowed, throw­ing my aware­ness toward it like a net, spear­ing mind
    to mind, using the teth­er like a rope, lead­ing me through time and dis­tance
    and wind—
    I latched onto the oily smear of its mal­ice, pin­point­ing my being, my
    focus onto the core of it. A bea­con of cor­rup­tion and filth.
    When I emerged from wind and shad­ow, I was right atop the Attor.
    It shrieked, wings curv­ing as I slammed into it. As I plunged those
    poi­soned ash arrows through each wing. Right through the main mus­cle.
    The Attor arched in pain, its forked tongue cleav­ing the air between us.
    The city was a blur below, the Sidra a mere stream from the height.
    In the span of a heart­beat, I wrapped myself around the Attor. I became a
    liv­ing flame that burned every­where I touched, became unbreak­able as the
    adamant wall inside my mind.
    Shriek­ing, the Attor thrashed against me—but its wings, with those
    arrows, with my grip …
    Free fall.
    Down into the world. Into blood and pain. The wind tore at us.
    The Attor could not break free of my flam­ing grasp. Or from my
    poi­soned arrows skew­er­ing its wings. Lam­ing him. Its burn­ing skin stung
    my nose.
    As we fell, my dag­ger found its way into my hand.
    The dark­ness con­sum­ing the hori­zon shot closer—as if spot­ting me.
    Not yet.
    Not yet.
    I angled my dag­ger over the Attor’s bony, elon­gat­ed rib cage. “This is for
    Rhys,” I hissed in its point­ed ear.
    The rever­ber­a­tion of steel on bone barked into my hand.
    Sil­very blood warmed my fin­gers. The Attor screamed.
    I yanked out my dag­ger, blood fly­ing up, splat­ter­ing my face.
    “This is for Clare.”
    I plunged my blade in again, twist­ing.
    Build­ings took form. The Sidra ran red, but the sky was empty—free of
    sol­diers. So were the streets.
    The Attor was scream­ing and hiss­ing, curs­ing and beg­ging, as I ripped
    free the blade.
    I could make out peo­ple; make out their shapes. The ground swelled up
    to meet us. The Attor was buck­ing so vio­lent­ly it was all I could do to keep
    it in my forge-hot grip. Burn­ing skin ripped away, car­ried above us.
    “And this,” I breathed, lean­ing close to say the words into its ear, into its
    rot­ted soul. I slid my dag­ger in a third time, rel­ish­ing the splin­ter­ing of
    bones and flesh. “This is for me.”
    I could count the cob­ble­stones. See Death beck­on­ing with open arms.
    I kept my mouth beside its ear, close as a lover, as our reflec­tion in a pool
    of blood became clear. “I’ll see you in hell,” I whis­pered, and left my blade
    in its side.
    Wind rip­pled the blood upon the cob­ble­stones mere inch­es away.
    And I win­nowed out, leav­ing the Attor behind.


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    Cover of We Solve Murders

    We Solve Murders

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    We Solve Murders by Stephanie Vance is a thrilling mystery that follows a team of skilled investigators as they work together to crack complex, high-stakes cases. With each new investigation, the team uncovers secrets, motives, and twists that keep readers on the edge of their seat. The novel explores themes of teamwork, justice, and the intricacies of solving crimes, offering a compelling look at the pursuit of truth and the consequences of uncovering hidden realities.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.

    C ONNOR CAME BACK TO LIFE on the rocky beach­es of Aldiz. It was
    slow but steady, like a seed sprout­ing.
    She liked play­ing Scrab­ble with Celia. As she’d promised, she ate
    din­ner with me every night, some­times even com­ing down to the
    kitchen ear­ly to help me make tor­tillas from scratch or my mother’s
    cal­do gal­lego.
    But it was Robert she grav­i­tat­ed toward.
    Tall and broad, with a gen­tle beer bel­ly and sil­ver hair, Robert had
    no idea what to do with a teenage girl at first. I think he was
    intim­i­dat­ed by her. He was unsure what to say. So he gave her space,
    maybe even more of a wide berth.
    It was Con­nor who reached out, who asked him to teach her how to
    play pok­er, asked him to tell her about finance, asked him if he want­ed
    to go fish­ing.
    He nev­er replaced Har­ry. No one could. But he did ease the pain, a
    lit­tle bit. She asked his opin­ion about boys. She took the time to find
    him the per­fect sweater on his birth­day.
    He paint­ed her bed­room for her. He made her favorite bar­be­cue
    ribs on the week­ends.
    And slow­ly, Con­nor began to trust that the world was a rea­son­ably
    safe place to open your heart to. I knew the wounds of los­ing her
    father would nev­er tru­ly heal, that scar tis­sue was form­ing all through
    her high school years. But I saw her stop par­ty­ing. I saw her start
    get­ting As and Bs. And then, when she got into Stan­ford, I looked at
    her and real­ized I had a daugh­ter with two feet placed firm­ly on the
    ground and her head square­ly on her shoul­ders.
    Celia, Robert, and I took Con­nor out for din­ner the night before she
    and I left to take her to school. We were at a tiny restau­rant on the
    water. Robert had bought her a present and wrapped it. It was a pok­er
    set. He said, “Take everybody’s mon­ey, like you’ve been tak­ing mine
    with all those flush­es.”
    “And then you can help me invest it,” she said with dev­il­ish glee.
    “Atta girl,” he said.
    Robert always claimed that he mar­ried me because he would do
    any­thing for Celia. But I think he did it, in at least some small part,
    because it gave him a chance to have a fam­i­ly. He was nev­er going to
    set­tle down with one woman. And Span­ish women proved to be just as
    enchant­ed by him as Amer­i­can ones had been. But this sys­tem, this
    fam­i­ly, was one he could be a part of, and I think he knew that when he
    signed up.
    Or maybe Robert mere­ly stum­bled into some­thing that worked for
    him, unsure what he want­ed until he had it. Some peo­ple are lucky like
    that. Me, I’ve always gone after what I want­ed with every­thing in me.
    Oth­ers fall into hap­pi­ness. Some­times I wish I was like them. I’m sure
    some­times they wish they were like me.
    With Con­nor back in the Unit­ed States, com­ing home only dur­ing
    school breaks, Celia and I had more time with each oth­er than we ever
    had before. We did not have film shoots or gos­sip columns to wor­ry
    about. We were almost nev­er recognized—and if peo­ple did rec­og­nize
    one of us, they most­ly steered clear and kept it to them­selves.
    There in Spain, I had the life I tru­ly want­ed. I felt at peace, again
    wak­ing up every day see­ing Celia’s hair fanned on my pil­low. I
    cher­ished every moment we had to our­selves, every sec­ond I spent
    with my arms around her.
    Our bed­room had an over­sized bal­cony that looked out onto the
    ocean. Often the breeze from the water would rush into our room at
    night. We would sit out there on lazy morn­ings, read­ing the news­pa­per
    togeth­er, our fin­gers gray from the ink.
    I even start­ed speak­ing Span­ish again. At first, I did it because it
    was nec­es­sary. There were so many peo­ple we need­ed to con­verse
    with, and I was the only one tru­ly pre­pared to do it. But I think the
    neces­si­ty of it was good for me. Because I couldn’t wor­ry too much
    about feel­ing inse­cure; I sim­ply had to get through the trans­ac­tion.
    And then, over time, I found myself proud of how eas­i­ly it came to me.
    The dialect was different—the Cuban Span­ish of my youth was not a
    per­fect match for the Castil­ian of Spain—but years with­out the words
    had not erased many of them from my mind.
    I would often speak Span­ish even at home, mak­ing Celia and Robert
    piece togeth­er what I was say­ing from their own lim­it­ed knowl­edge. I
    loved shar­ing it with them. I loved being able to show a part of myself
    that I had long buried. I was hap­py to find that when I dug it up, that
    part was still there, wait­ing for me.
    But of course, no mat­ter how per­fect the days seemed, there was
    one ache loom­ing over us night after night.
    Celia was not well. Her health was dete­ri­o­rat­ing. She did not have
    much time.
    “I know I shouldn’t,” Celia said to me one night as we lay togeth­er
    in the dark, nei­ther of us yet sleep­ing. “But some­times I get so mad at
    us for all the years we lost. For all the time we wast­ed.”
    I grabbed her hand. “I know,” I said. “Me too.”
    “If you love some­one enough, you should be able to over­come
    any­thing,” she said. “And we have always loved each oth­er so much,
    more than I ever thought I could be loved, more than I ever thought I
    could love. So why . . . why couldn’t we over­come it?”
    “We did,” I said, turn­ing toward her. “We’re here.”
    She shook her head. “But the years,” she said.
    “We’re stub­born,” I said. “And we weren’t exact­ly giv­en the tools to
    suc­ceed. We’re both used to being the one who calls the shots. We
    both have a ten­den­cy to think the world revolves around us . . .”
    “And we’ve had to hide that we’re gay,” she said. “Or, rather, I’m
    gay. You’re bisex­u­al.”
    I smiled in the dark and squeezed her hand.
    “The world hasn’t made that easy,” she said.
    “I think both of us want­ed more than was real­is­tic. I’m sure we
    could have made it work, the two of us, in a small town. You could have
    been a teacher. I could have been a nurse. We could have made it
    eas­i­er on our­selves that way.”
    I could feel Celia shak­ing her head next to me. “But that’s not who
    we are, that’s not who we have ever been or could ever be.”
    I nod­ded. “I think being yourself—your true, entire self—is always
    going to feel like you’re swim­ming upstream.”
    “Yeah,” she said. “But if the last few years with you have been any
    indi­ca­tion, I think it also feels like tak­ing your bra off at the end of the
    I laughed. “I love you,” I said. “Don’t ever leave me.”
    But when she said, “I love you, too. I nev­er will,” we both knew she
    was mak­ing a promise she couldn’t keep.
    I couldn’t stand the thought of los­ing her again, los­ing her in a
    deep­er way than I’d ever lost her before. I couldn’t bear the idea that I
    would be for­ev­er with­out her, with no tie to her.
    “Will you mar­ry me?” I said.
    She laughed, and I stopped her.
    “I’m not kid­ding! I want to mar­ry you. For once and for all. Don’t I
    deserve that? Sev­en mar­riages in, shouldn’t I final­ly get to mar­ry the
    love of my life?”
    “I don’t think it works that way, sweet­heart,” she said. “And need I
    remind you, I’d be steal­ing my brother’s wife.”
    “I’m seri­ous, Celia.”
    “So am I, Eve­lyn. There’s no way for us to mar­ry.”
    “All a mar­riage is is a promise.”
    “If you say so,” she said. “You’re the expert.”
    “Let’s get mar­ried right here and now. Me and you. In this bed. You
    don’t even have to put on a white night­gown.”
    “What are you talk­ing about?”
    “I’m talk­ing about a spir­i­tu­al promise, between the two of us, for the
    rest of our lives.”
    When Celia didn’t say any­thing, I knew that she was think­ing about
    it. She was think­ing about whether it could mean any­thing, the two of
    us there in that bed.
    “Here’s what we will do,” I said, try­ing to con­vince her. “We will
    look each oth­er in the eye, and we will hold hands, and we will say
    what’s in our hearts, and we will promise to be there for each oth­er.
    We don’t need any gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments or wit­ness­es or reli­gious
    approval. It doesn’t mat­ter that I’m already legal­ly mar­ried, because we
    both know that when I was mar­ry­ing Robert, I was doing it to be with
    you. We don’t need any­body else’s rules. We just need each oth­er.”
    She was qui­et. She sighed. And then she said, “OK. I’m in.”
    “Real­ly?” I was sur­prised at just how mean­ing­ful this moment was
    “Yeah,” she said. “I want to mar­ry you. I’ve always want­ed to mar­ry
    you. I just  .  .  . it nev­er occurred to me that we could. That we didn’t
    need anyone’s approval.”
    “We don’t,” I said.
    “Then I do.”
    I laughed and sat up in our bed. I turned on the light on my
    night­stand. Celia sat up, too. We faced each oth­er and held hands.
    “I think you should prob­a­bly per­form the cer­e­mo­ny,” she said.
    “I sup­pose I have been in more wed­dings,” I joked.
    She laughed, and I laughed with her. We were in our mid­fifties,
    gid­dy at the idea of final­ly doing what we should have done years ago.
    “OK,” I said. “No more laugh­ing. We’re gonna do it.”
    “OK,” she said, smil­ing. “I’m ready.”
    I breathed in. I looked at her. She had crow’s‑feet around her eyes.
    She had laugh lines around her mouth. Her hair was mussed from the
    pil­low. She was wear­ing an old New York Giants T‑shirt with a hole in
    the shoul­der. Con­ven­tion be damned, she nev­er looked more beau­ti­ful.
    “Dear­ly beloved,” I said. “I sup­pose that’s just us.”
    “OK,” Celia said. “I fol­low.”
    “We are gath­ered here today to cel­e­brate the union of . . . us.”
    “Two peo­ple who come togeth­er to spend the rest of their lives with
    each oth­er.”
    “Do you, Celia, take me, Eve­lyn, to be your wed­ded wife? In
    sick­ness and in health, for rich­er and for poor­er, till death do us part,
    as long as we both shall live?”
    She smiled at me. “I do.”
    “And do I, Eve­lyn, take you, Celia, to be my wed­ded wife? In
    sick­ness and in health and all the oth­er stuff? I do.” I real­ized there
    was a slight hic­cup. “Wait, we don’t have rings.”


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