Cover of The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)

    The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a transformative guide to personal freedom, offering timeless wisdom rooted in Toltec tradition. Through four simple yet powerful agreements—Be impeccable with your word, Don’t take anything personally, Don’t make assumptions, and Always do your best—Ruiz shows how to break free from limiting beliefs and achieve emotional and spiritual peace. This short, impactful book is perfect for anyone seeking personal growth, clarity, and a path to a more fulfilling life.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.


    Heav­en on Earth

    your whole life. This is the begin­ning of a new under­stand­ing, a new
    The dream you are liv­ing is your cre­ation. It is your per­cep­tion of
    real­i­ty that you can change at any time. You have the pow­er to
    cre­ate hell, and you have the pow­er to cre­ate heav­en. Why not
    dream a dif­fer­ent dream? Why not use your mind, your imag­i­na­tion,
    and your emo­tions to dream heav­en?
    Just use your imag­i­na­tion and a tremen­dous thing will hap­pen.
    Imag­ine that you have the abil­i­ty to see the world with dif­fer­ent eyes,
    when­ev­er you choose. Each time you open your eyes, you see the
    world around you in a dif­fer­ent way.
    Close your eyes now, and then open them and look out­side.
    What you will see is love com­ing out of the trees, love com­ing out
    of the sky, love com­ing out of the light. You will per­ceive love from
    every­thing around you. This is the state of bliss. You per­ceive love
    direct­ly from every­thing, includ­ing your­self and oth­er humans. Even
    when humans are sad or angry, behind these feel­ings you can see
    that they are also send­ing love.
    Using your imag­i­na­tion and your new eyes of per­cep­tion, I want
    you to see your­self liv­ing a new life, a new dream, a life where you
    don’t need to jus­ti­fy your exis­tence and you are free to be who you
    real­ly are.
    Imag­ine that you have per­mis­sion to be hap­py and to real­ly enjoy
    your life. Your life is free of con­flict with your­self and with oth­ers.
    Imag­ine liv­ing your life with­out fear of express­ing your dreams.
    You know what you want, what you don’t want, and when you want
    it. You are free to change your life the way you real­ly want to. You
    are not afraid to ask for what you need, to say yes or no to any­thing
    or any­one.
    Imag­ine liv­ing your life with­out the fear of being judged by oth­ers.
    You no longer rule your behav­ior accord­ing to what oth­ers may think
    about you. You are no longer respon­si­ble for anyone’s opin­ion. You
    have no need to con­trol any­one, and no one con­trols you, either.
    Imag­ine liv­ing your life with­out judg­ing oth­ers. You can eas­i­ly
    for­give oth­ers and let go of any judg­ments that you have. You don’t
    have the need to be right, and you don’t need to make any­one else
    wrong. You respect your­self and every­one else, and they respect
    you in return.
    Imag­ine liv­ing with­out the fear of lov­ing and not being loved. You
    are no longer afraid to be reject­ed, and you don’t have the need to
    be accept­ed. You can say “I love you” with no shame or jus­ti­fi­ca­tion.
    You can walk in the world with your heart com­plete­ly open, and not
    be afraid to be hurt.
    Imag­ine liv­ing your life with­out being afraid to take a risk and to
    explore life. You are not afraid to lose any­thing. You are not afraid to
    be alive in the world, and you are not afraid to die.
    Imag­ine that you love your­self just the way you are. You love your
    body just the way it is, and you love your emo­tions just the way they
    are. You know that you are per­fect just as you are.
    The rea­son I ask you to imag­ine these things is because they are
    all entire­ly pos­si­ble! You can live in the state of grace, the state of
    bliss, the dream of heav­en. But in order to expe­ri­ence this dream,
    you must first under­stand what it is.
    Only love has the abil­i­ty to put you in that state of bliss. Being in
    bliss is like being in love. Being in love is like being in bliss. You are
    float­ing in the clouds. You are per­ceiv­ing love wher­ev­er you go. It is
    entire­ly pos­si­ble to live this way all the time. It is pos­si­ble because
    oth­ers have done it and they are no dif­fer­ent from you. They live in
    bliss because they have changed their agree­ments and are
    dream­ing a dif­fer­ent dream.
    Once you feel what it means to live in a state of bliss, you will love
    it. You will know that heav­en on earth is truth — that heav­en tru­ly
    exists. Once you know that heav­en exists, once you know it is
    pos­si­ble to stay there, it’s up to you to make the effort to do it. Two
    thou­sand years ago, Jesus told us about the king­dom of heav­en, the
    king­dom of love, but hard­ly any­one was ready to hear this. They
    said, “What are you talk­ing about? My heart is emp­ty, I don’t feel the
    love that you are talk­ing about; I don’t feel the peace that you have.”


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