Cover of The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)

    The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a transformative guide to personal freedom, offering timeless wisdom rooted in Toltec tradition. Through four simple yet powerful agreements—Be impeccable with your word, Don’t take anything personally, Don’t make assumptions, and Always do your best—Ruiz shows how to break free from limiting beliefs and achieve emotional and spiritual peace. This short, impactful book is perfect for anyone seeking personal growth, clarity, and a path to a more fulfilling life.

    You are being pro­vid­ed with a book chap­ter by chap­ter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chap­ter. After read­ing the chap­ter, 1. short­en the chap­ter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any impor­tant nouns in the chap­ter. 3. Do not trans­late the orig­i­nal lan­guage. 4. Keep the same style as the orig­i­nal chap­ter, keep it con­sis­tent through­out the chap­ter. Your reply must com­ply with all four require­ments, or it’s invalid.
    I will pro­vide the chap­ter now.


    Be Impec­ca­ble with Your Word

    also the most dif­fi­cult one to hon­or. It is so impor­tant that with just
    this first agree­ment you will be able to tran­scend to the lev­el of
    exis­tence I call heav­en on earth.
    The first agree­ment is to be impec­ca­ble with your word. It sounds
    very sim­ple, but it is very, very pow­er­ful.
    Why your word? Your word is the pow­er that you have to cre­ate.
    Your word is the gift that comes direct­ly from God. The Gospel of
    John in the Bible, speak­ing of the cre­ation of the uni­verse, says, “In
    the begin­ning was the word, and the word was with God, and the
    word is God.” Through the word you express your cre­ative pow­er. It
    is through the word that you man­i­fest every­thing. Regard­less of what
    lan­guage you speak, your intent man­i­fests through the word. What
    you dream, what you feel, and what you real­ly are, will all be
    man­i­fest­ed through the word.
    The word is not just a sound or a writ­ten sym­bol. The word is a
    force; it is the pow­er you have to express and com­mu­ni­cate, to think,
    and there­by to cre­ate the events in your life. You can speak. What
    oth­er ani­mal on the plan­et can speak? The word is the most
    pow­er­ful tool you have as a human; it is the tool of mag­ic. But like a
    sword with two edges, your word can cre­ate the most beau­ti­ful
    dream, or your word can destroy every­thing around you. One edge is
    the mis­use of the word, which cre­ates a liv­ing hell. The oth­er edge is
    the impec­ca­bil­i­ty of the word, which will only cre­ate beau­ty, love, and
    heav­en on earth. Depend­ing upon how it is used, the word can set
    you free, or it can enslave you even more than you know. All the
    mag­ic you pos­sess is based on your word. Your word is pure mag­ic,
    and mis­use of your word is black mag­ic.
    The word is so pow­er­ful that one word can change a life or destroy
    the lives of mil­lions of peo­ple. Some years ago one man in Ger­many,
    by the use of the word, manip­u­lat­ed a whole coun­try of the most
    intel­li­gent peo­ple. He led them into a world war with just the pow­er of
    his word. He con­vinced oth­ers to com­mit the most atro­cious acts of
    vio­lence. He acti­vat­ed people’s fear with the word, and like a big
    explo­sion, there was killing and war all around the world. All over the
    world humans destroyed oth­er humans because they were afraid of
    each oth­er. Hitler’s word, based on fear-gen­er­at­ed beliefs and
    agree­ments, will be remem­bered for cen­turies.
    The human mind is like a fer­tile ground where seeds are
    con­tin­u­al­ly being plant­ed. The seeds are opin­ions, ideas, and
    con­cepts. You plant a seed, a thought, and it grows. The word is like
    a seed, and the human mind is so fer­tile! The only prob­lem is that
    too often it is fer­tile for the seeds of fear. Every human mind is fer­tile,
    but only for those kinds of seeds it is pre­pared for. What is impor­tant
    is to see which kind of seeds our mind is fer­tile for, and to pre­pare it
    to receive the seeds of love.
    Take the exam­ple of Hitler: He sent out all those seeds of fear, and
    they grew very strong and beau­ti­ful­ly achieved mas­sive destruc­tion.
    See­ing the awe­some pow­er of the word, we must under­stand what
    pow­er comes out of our mouths. One fear or doubt plant­ed in our
    mind can cre­ate an end­less dra­ma of events. One word is like a
    spell, and humans use the word like black magi­cians, thought­less­ly
    putting spells on each oth­er.
    Every human is a magi­cian, and we can either put a spell on
    some­one with our word or we can release some­one from a spell. We
    cast spells all the time with our opin­ions. An exam­ple: I see a friend
    and give him an opin­ion that just popped into my mind. I say,
    “Hmmm! I see that kind of col­or in your face in peo­ple who are going
    to get can­cer.” If he lis­tens to the word, and if he agrees, he will have
    can­cer in less than one year. That is the pow­er of the word.
    Dur­ing our domes­ti­ca­tion, our par­ents and sib­lings gave their
    opin­ions about us with­out even think­ing. We believed these opin­ions
    and we lived in fear over these opin­ions, like not being good at
    swim­ming, or sports, or writ­ing. Some­one gives an opin­ion and says,
    “Look, this girl is ugly!” The girl lis­tens, believes she is ugly, and
    grows up with the idea that she is ugly. It doesn’t mat­ter how
    beau­ti­ful she is; as long as she has that agree­ment, she will believe
    that she is ugly. That is the spell she is under.
    By hook­ing our atten­tion, the word can enter our mind and change
    a whole belief for bet­ter or for worse. Anoth­er exam­ple: You may
    believe you are stu­pid, and you may have believed this for as long
    as you can remem­ber. This agree­ment can be very tricky, caus­ing
    you to do a lot of things just to ensure that you are stu­pid. You may
    do some­thing and think to your­self, “I wish I were smart, but I must
    be stu­pid or I wouldn’t have done that.” The mind goes in hun­dreds
    of dif­fer­ent direc­tions, and we could spend days get­ting hooked by
    just that one belief in our own stu­pid­i­ty.
    Then one day some­one hooks your atten­tion and using the word,
    lets you know that you are not stu­pid. You believe what the per­son
    says and make a new agree­ment. As a result, you no longer feel or
    act stu­pid. A whole spell is bro­ken, just by the pow­er of the word.
    Con­verse­ly, if you believe you are stu­pid, and some­one hooks your
    atten­tion and says, “Yes, you are real­ly the most stu­pid per­son I
    have ever met,” the agree­ment will be rein­forced and become even

    Now let us see what the word impec­ca­bil­i­ty means. Impec­ca­bil­i­ty
    means “with­out sin.” Impec­ca­ble comes from the Latin peca­tus,
    which means “sin.” The im in impec­ca­ble means “with­out,” so
    impec­ca­ble means “with­out sin.” Reli­gions talk about sin and
    sin­ners, but let’s under­stand what it real­ly means to sin. A sin is
    any­thing that you do which goes against your­self. Every­thing you
    feel or believe or say that goes against your­self is a sin. You go
    against your­self when you judge or blame your­self for any­thing.
    Being with­out sin is exact­ly the oppo­site. Being impec­ca­ble is not
    going against your­self. When you are impec­ca­ble, you take
    respon­si­bil­i­ty for your actions, but you do not judge or blame
    From this point of view, the whole con­cept of sin changes from
    some­thing moral or reli­gious to some­thing com­mon­sense. Sin
    begins with rejec­tion of your­self. Self-rejec­tion is the biggest sin that
    you com­mit. In reli­gious terms self-rejec­tion is a “mor­tal sin,” which
    leads to death. Impec­ca­bil­i­ty, on the oth­er hand, leads to life.
    Being impec­ca­ble with your word is not using the word against
    your­self. If I see you in the street and I call you stu­pid, it appears that
    I’m using the word against you. But real­ly I’m using my word against
    myself, because you’re going to hate me for this, and your hat­ing me
    is not good for me. There­fore, if I get angry and with my word send
    all that emo­tion­al poi­son to you, I’m using the word against myself.
    If I love myself I will express that love in my inter­ac­tions with you,
    and then I am being impec­ca­ble with the word, because that action
    will pro­duce a like reac­tion. If I love you, then you will love me. If I
    insult you, you will insult me. If I have grat­i­tude for you, you will have
    grat­i­tude for me. If I’m self­ish with you, you will be self­ish with me. If I
    use the word to put a spell on you, you are going to put a spell on
    Being impec­ca­ble with your word is the cor­rect use of your ener­gy;
    it means to use your ener­gy in the direc­tion of truth and love for
    your­self. If you make an agree­ment with your­self to be impec­ca­ble
    with your word, just with that inten­tion, the truth will man­i­fest through
    you and clean all the emo­tion­al poi­son that exists with­in you. But
    mak­ing this agree­ment is dif­fi­cult because we have learned to do
    pre­cise­ly the oppo­site. We have learned to lie as a habit of our
    com­mu­ni­ca­tion with oth­ers and more impor­tant­ly with our­selves. We
    are not impec­ca­ble with the word.
    The pow­er of the word is com­plete­ly mis­used in hell. We use the
    word to curse, to blame, to find guilt, to destroy. Of course, we also
    use it in the right way, but not too often. Most­ly we use the word to
    spread our per­son­al poi­son — to express anger, jeal­ousy, envy, and
    hate. The word is pure mag­ic — the most pow­er­ful gift we have as
    humans — and we use it against our­selves. We plan revenge. We
    cre­ate chaos with the word. We use the word to cre­ate hate between
    dif­fer­ent races, between dif­fer­ent peo­ple, between fam­i­lies, between
    nations. We mis­use the word so often, and this mis­use is how we
    cre­ate and per­pet­u­ate the dream of hell. Mis­use of the word is how
    we pull each oth­er down and keep each oth­er in a state of fear and
    doubt. Because the word is the mag­ic that humans pos­sess and
    mis­use of the word is black mag­ic, we are using black mag­ic all the
    time with­out know­ing that our word is mag­ic at all.
    There was a woman, for exam­ple, who was intel­li­gent and had a
    very good heart. She had a daugh­ter whom she adored and loved
    very much. One night she came home from a very bad day at work,
    tired, full of emo­tion­al ten­sion, and with a ter­ri­ble headache. She
    want­ed peace and qui­et, but her daugh­ter was singing and jump­ing
    hap­pi­ly. The daugh­ter was unaware of how her moth­er was feel­ing;
    she was in her own world, in her own dream. She felt so won­der­ful,
    and she was jump­ing and singing loud­er and loud­er, express­ing her
    joy and her love. She was singing so loud that it made her mother’s
    headache even worse, and at a cer­tain moment, the moth­er lost
    con­trol. Angri­ly she looked at her beau­ti­ful lit­tle girl and said, “Shut
    up! You have an ugly voice. Can you just shut up!”
    The truth is that the mother’s tol­er­ance for any noise was
    nonex­is­tent; it was not that the lit­tle girl’s voice was ugly. But the
    daugh­ter believed what her moth­er said, and in that moment she
    made an agree­ment with her­self. After that she no longer sang,
    because she believed her voice was ugly and would both­er any­one
    who heard it. She became shy at school, and if she was asked to
    sing, she refused. Even speak­ing to oth­ers became dif­fi­cult for her.
    Every­thing changed in the lit­tle girl because of this new agree­ment:
    She believed she must repress her emo­tions in order to be accept­ed
    and loved.
    When­ev­er we hear an opin­ion and believe it, we make an
    agree­ment, and it becomes part of our belief sys­tem. This lit­tle girl
    grew up, and even though she had a beau­ti­ful voice, she nev­er sang
    again. She devel­oped a whole com­plex from one spell. This spell
    was cast upon her by the one who loved her the most: her own
    moth­er. Her moth­er didn’t notice what she did with her word. She
    didn’t notice that she used black mag­ic and put a spell on her
    daugh­ter. She didn’t know the pow­er of her word, and there­fore she
    isn’t to blame. She did what her own moth­er, father, and oth­ers had
    done to her in many ways. They mis­used the word.
    How many times do we do this with our own chil­dren? We give
    them these types of opin­ions and our chil­dren car­ry that black mag­ic
    for years and years. Peo­ple who love us do black mag­ic on us, but
    they don’t know what they do. That is why we must for­give them;
    they don’t know what they do.
    Anoth­er exam­ple: You awake in the morn­ing feel­ing very hap­py.
    You feel so won­der­ful, you stay one or two hours in front of the
    mir­ror, mak­ing your­self beau­ti­ful. Well, one of your best friends says,
    “What has hap­pened to you? You look so ugly. Look at the dress you
    are wear­ing; you look ridicu­lous.” That’s it; that is enough to put you
    all the way down in hell. Maybe this girl­friend just told you this to hurt
    you. And, she did. She gave you an opin­ion with all the pow­er of her
    word behind it. If you accept the opin­ion, it becomes an agree­ment
    now, and you put all your pow­er into that opin­ion. That opin­ion
    becomes black mag­ic.
    These types of spells are dif­fi­cult to break. The only thing that can
    break a spell is to make a new agree­ment based on truth. The truth
    is the most impor­tant part of being impec­ca­ble with your word. On
    one side of the sword are the lies which cre­ate black mag­ic, and on
    the oth­er side of the sword is the truth which has the pow­er to break
    the spell of black mag­ic. Only the truth will set us free.

    Look­ing at every­day human inter­ac­tions, imag­ine how many times
    we cast spells on each oth­er with our word. Over time this inter­ac­tion
    has become the worst form of black mag­ic, and we call it gos­sip.
    Gos­sip is black mag­ic at its very worst because it is pure poi­son.
    We learned how to gos­sip by agree­ment. When we were chil­dren,
    we heard the adults around us gos­sip­ing all the time, open­ly giv­ing
    their opin­ions about oth­er peo­ple. They even had opin­ions about
    peo­ple they didn’t know. Emo­tion­al poi­son was trans­ferred along
    with the opin­ions, and we learned this as the nor­mal way to
    Gos­sip­ing has become the main form of com­mu­ni­ca­tion in human
    soci­ety. It has become the way we feel close to each oth­er, because
    it makes us feel bet­ter to see some­one else feel as bad­ly as we do.
    There is an old expres­sion that says, “Mis­ery likes com­pa­ny,” and
    peo­ple who are suf­fer­ing in hell don’t want to be all alone. Fear and
    suf­fer­ing are an impor­tant part of the dream of the plan­et; they are
    how the dream of the plan­et keeps us down.
    Using the anal­o­gy of the human mind as a com­put­er, gos­sip can
    be com­pared to a com­put­er virus. A com­put­er virus is a piece of
    com­put­er lan­guage writ­ten in the same lan­guage all the oth­er codes
    are writ­ten in, but with a harm­ful intent. This code is insert­ed into the
    pro­gram of your com­put­er when you least expect it and most of the
    time with­out your aware­ness. After this code has been intro­duced,
    your com­put­er doesn’t work quite right, or it doesn’t func­tion at all
    because the codes get so mixed up with so many con­flict­ing
    mes­sages that it stops pro­duc­ing good results.
    Human gos­sip works exact­ly the same way. For exam­ple, you are
    begin­ning a new class with a new teacher and you have looked
    for­ward to it for a long time. On the first day of class, you run into
    some­one who took the class before, who tells you, “Oh that
    instruc­tor was such a pompous jerk! He didn’t know what he was
    talk­ing about, and he was a per­vert too, so watch out!”
    You are imme­di­ate­ly imprint­ed with the word and the emo­tion­al
    code the per­son had when say­ing this, but what you are not aware of
    is his or her moti­va­tion in telling you. This per­son could be angry for
    fail­ing the class or sim­ply mak­ing an assump­tion based on fears and
    prej­u­dices, but because you have learned to ingest infor­ma­tion like a
    child, some part of you believes the gos­sip, and you go on to the
    class. As the teacher speaks, you feel the poi­son come up inside
    you and you don’t real­ize you see the teacher through the eyes of
    the per­son who gave you that gos­sip. Then you start talk­ing to oth­er
    peo­ple in the class about this, and they start to see the teacher in the
    same way: as a jerk and a per­vert. You real­ly hate the class, and
    soon you decide to drop out. You blame the teacher, but it is gos­sip
    that is to blame.
    All of this mess can be caused by one lit­tle com­put­er virus. One
    lit­tle piece of mis­in­for­ma­tion can break down com­mu­ni­ca­tion
    between peo­ple, caus­ing every per­son it touch­es to become infect­ed
    and con­ta­gious to oth­ers. Imag­ine that every sin­gle time oth­ers
    gos­sip to you, they insert a com­put­er virus into your mind, caus­ing
    you to think a lit­tle less clear­ly every time. Then imag­ine that in an
    effort to clean up your own con­fu­sion and get some relief from the
    poi­son, you gos­sip and spread these virus­es to some­one else.
    Now imag­ine this pat­tern going on in a nev­er-end­ing chain
    between all the humans on earth. The result is a world full of humans
    who can only read infor­ma­tion through cir­cuits that are clogged with
    a poi­so­nous, con­ta­gious virus. Once again, this poi­so­nous virus is
    what the Toltecs called the mitote, the chaos of a thou­sand dif­fer­ent
    voic­es all try­ing to talk at once in the mind.
    Even worse are the black magi­cians or “com­put­er hack­ers” who
    inten­tion­al­ly spread the virus. Think back to a time when you or
    some­one you know was angry with some­one else and desired
    revenge. In order to seek revenge you said some­thing to or about
    that per­son with the inten­tion of spread­ing poi­son and mak­ing that
    per­son feel bad about him- or her­self. As chil­dren we do this quite
    thought­less­ly, but as we grow old­er we become much more
    cal­cu­lat­ed in our efforts to bring oth­er peo­ple down. Then we lie to
    our­selves and say that per­son received a just pun­ish­ment for their
    When we see the world through a com­put­er virus, it is easy to
    jus­ti­fy the cru­elest behav­ior. What we don’t see is that mis­use of our
    word is putting us deep­er into hell.

    For years we have received the gos­sip and spells from the words
    of oth­ers, but also from the way we use our word with our­selves. We
    talk to our­selves con­stant­ly and most of the time we say things like,
    “Oh, I look fat, I look ugly. I’m get­ting old, I’m los­ing my hair. I’m
    stu­pid, I nev­er under­stand any­thing. I will nev­er be good enough,
    and I’m nev­er going to be per­fect.” Do you see how we use the word
    against our­selves? We must begin to under­stand what the word is
    and what the word does. If you under­stand the first agree­ment, be
    impec­ca­ble with your word, you begin to see all the changes that can
    hap­pen in your life. Changes first in the way you deal with your­self,
    and lat­er in the way you deal with oth­er peo­ple, espe­cial­ly those you
    love the most.
    Con­sid­er how many times you have gos­siped about the per­son
    you love the most to gain the sup­port of oth­ers for your point of view.
    How many times have you hooked oth­er people’s atten­tion, and
    spread poi­son about your loved one in order to make your opin­ion
    right? Your opin­ion is noth­ing but your point of view. It is not
    nec­es­sar­i­ly true. Your opin­ion comes from your beliefs, your own
    ego, and your own dream. We cre­ate all this poi­son and spread it to
    oth­ers just so we can feel right about our own point of view.
    If we adopt the first agree­ment, and become impec­ca­ble with our
    word, any emo­tion­al poi­son will even­tu­al­ly be cleaned from our mind
    and from our com­mu­ni­ca­tion in our per­son­al rela­tion­ships, includ­ing
    with our pet dog or cat.
    Impec­ca­bil­i­ty of the word will also give you immu­ni­ty from any­one
    putting a neg­a­tive spell on you. You will only receive a neg­a­tive idea
    if your mind is fer­tile ground for that idea. When you become
    impec­ca­ble with your word, your mind is no longer fer­tile ground for
    words that come from black mag­ic. Instead, it is fer­tile for the words
    that come from love. You can mea­sure the impec­ca­bil­i­ty of your word
    by your lev­el of self-love. How much you love your­self and how you
    feel about your­self are direct­ly pro­por­tion­ate to the qual­i­ty and
    integri­ty of your word. When you are impec­ca­ble with your word, you
    feel good; you feel hap­py and at peace.
    You can tran­scend the dream of hell just by mak­ing the agree­ment
    to be impec­ca­ble with your word. Right now I am plant­i­ng that seed
    in your mind. Whether or not the seed grows depends upon how
    fer­tile your mind is for the seeds of love. It is up to you to make this
    agree­ment with your­self: I am impec­ca­ble with my word. Nur­ture this
    seed, and as it grows in your mind, it will gen­er­ate more seeds of
    love to replace the seeds of fear. This first agree­ment will change the
    kind of seeds your mind is fer­tile for.
    Be impec­ca­ble with your word. This is the first agree­ment that you
    should make if you want to be free, if you want to be hap­py, if you
    want to tran­scend the lev­el of exis­tence that is hell. It is very
    pow­er­ful. Use the word in the cor­rect way. Use the word to share
    your love. Use white mag­ic, begin­ning with your­self. Tell your­self
    how won­der­ful you are, how great you are. Tell your­self how much
    you love your­self. Use the word to break all those tee­ny, tiny
    agree­ments that make you suf­fer.
    It is pos­si­ble. It is pos­si­ble because I did it, and I am no bet­ter than
    you. No, we are exact­ly the same. We have the same kind of brain,
    the same kind of bod­ies; we are humans. If I was able to break those
    agree­ments and cre­ate new agree­ments, then you can do the same.
    If I can be impec­ca­ble with my word, why not you? Just this one


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