Cover of The Chocolate War

    The Chocolate War

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier follows Jerry Renault, a high school student who refuses to participate in his school's annual chocolate sale fundraiser. His act of defiance sparks a cruel campaign of bullying and manipulation, leading him to question authority, conformity, and the power of resistance.

    Chap­ter 12 of The Choco­late War is filled with a pal­pa­ble sense of ten­sion dur­ing foot­ball prac­tice, as Coach’s ris­ing frus­tra­tion with the freshmen’s per­for­mance becomes increas­ing­ly evi­dent. His voice, strained and hoarse from con­stant shout­ing, adds weight to the atmos­phere, sig­nal­ing just how far the fresh­men fall short of his expec­ta­tions. Jer­ry, bat­tered from pre­vi­ous plays and men­tal­ly exhaust­ed, does his best to shake off his injuries, focus­ing on get­ting through the prac­tice. As he takes his place behind Adamo, the cen­ter, Jer­ry knows that the coach set up the scrim­mage to test the fresh­men against var­si­ty play­ers, but the results have been far from impres­sive. This fail­ure, in turn, has inten­si­fied the coach’s anger, fur­ther damp­en­ing the morale of the team. With­out a moment to catch their breath, the coach imme­di­ate­ly calls the next play, adding to the sense of urgency and dis­ap­point­ment. This lack of cohe­sion in the team is becom­ing evi­dent, and the ten­sion in the room grows as the coach push­es them for­ward, seem­ing­ly uncon­cerned with their exhaus­tion or lack of progress.

    The next play is set up specif­i­cal­ly to chal­lenge Carter, a dom­i­nant var­si­ty play­er, cre­at­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the younger ath­letes to be test­ed in real game con­di­tions, even if the chances of suc­ceed­ing are slim. This tra­di­tion, where younger play­ers face off against estab­lished stars, is meant to give them valu­able expe­ri­ence, but it often high­lights just how out­matched they are. Jer­ry can­not for­get the sting of his pre­vi­ous encounter with Carter, when he had been eas­i­ly tack­led, his pride wound­ed by the sheer strength of the var­si­ty play­er. The mem­o­ry of that moment lingers, serv­ing as a painful reminder of how far Jer­ry still has to go to prove him­self on the field. How­ev­er, rather than suc­cumb­ing to the humil­i­a­tion, Jer­ry chan­nels his deter­mi­na­tion into focus­ing on doing bet­ter this time around. He clings to the hope that suc­cess is just with­in reach, if only he can exe­cute the next play per­fect­ly and final­ly start prov­ing his worth to both him­self and his team­mates. The weight of his past mis­takes dri­ves him for­ward, even as the pres­sure mounts.

    As the next play begins, Jerry’s mind sharp­ens with a renewed sense of pur­pose. He calls the play with a firm voice, hop­ing to shake off the lin­ger­ing ner­vous­ness and chan­nel his frus­tra­tion into action. His eyes scan the field and land on Goober down­field, a sym­bol of hope and team­work that keeps Jer­ry focused on the goal. With a mix of deter­mi­na­tion and anx­i­ety, Jer­ry dodges a series of obsta­cles in his path, con­cen­trat­ing ful­ly on deliv­er­ing a per­fect pass to Goober. The throw is clean and accu­rate, and Goober catch­es it with pre­ci­sion, scor­ing a cru­cial point for the team. The moment is brief but sig­nif­i­cant, as Jer­ry feels a rush of ela­tion sweep over him. For a fleet­ing instant, the ten­sion in the air lifts, and the team erupts in cheers. Even Coach, though stern in his usu­al demeanor, offers rare praise to Jer­ry, acknowl­edg­ing the suc­cess in the midst of a chal­leng­ing prac­tice. This moment of pos­i­tive rein­force­ment, though small, car­ries sig­nif­i­cant weight in a space where crit­i­cism is more com­mon than praise. It marks a tem­po­rary vic­to­ry for Jer­ry, rein­forc­ing the idea that despite the chal­lenges, per­sis­tence can lead to moments of suc­cess.

    Yet, as prac­tice winds down and Jerry’s brief joy from the play lingers, a new source of ten­sion emerges. As he heads to his lock­er, exhaust­ed but some­what uplift­ed by the praise, he notices a let­ter taped to the door. With a sense of dread, he opens the let­ter, reveal­ing that it is a sum­mons from The Vig­ils, indi­cat­ing anoth­er assign­ment awaits him. This let­ter, appear­ing just after his suc­cess on the field, brings Jer­ry back to the harsh real­i­ty of his life out­side of sports. The con­trast between the momen­tary tri­umph on the foot­ball field and the loom­ing threat of the Vig­ils is stark. It under­scores the con­stant bal­anc­ing act Jer­ry must main­tain between pur­su­ing per­son­al growth and fac­ing the manip­u­la­tive forces that seem to con­trol his life at school. The let­ter is a stark reminder that Jerry’s actions, both on the field and in his per­son­al life, are con­stant­ly being shaped by exter­nal pres­sures. It leaves him ques­tion­ing what’s next—will he be able to con­tin­ue his resis­tance, or will he be forced to sub­mit to the demands placed on him? The ten­sion between his fleet­ing suc­cess in foot­ball and the ongo­ing manip­u­la­tion by The Vig­ils high­lights the emo­tion­al com­plex­i­ty of Jer­ry’s jour­ney, leav­ing him uncer­tain about his future choic­es.


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