by testsuphomeAdminThe glossary of “The Breadwinner” provides essential definitions of terms relevant to the cultural and geographical context of the story. Key terms include:
- **burqa**: A full-body garment for women, featuring a narrow mesh screen over the eyes.
— **chador**: A cloth covering for women’s hair and shoulders.
— **Dari**: One of Afghanistan’s two primary languages.
— **Eid**: A significant Muslim festival marking the end of Ramadan.
— **karachi**: A hand-pushed cart used for selling goods in markets.
— **kebab**: Skewered and grilled pieces of meat.
— **land mine**: A soil-embedded bomb triggered by pressure.
— **nan**: Afghan bread that comes in various shapes.
— **Pashtu**: The second major language spoken in Afghanistan.
— **pattu**: A traditional woolen shawl worn by men and boys.
— **shalwar kameez**: A traditional outfit consisting of a long shirt and trousers, differing in style between men and women.
— **Soviets**: Refers to the former Soviet Union, encompassing Russia and its affiliated communist nations.
— **Taliban**: The militant group that seized control of Kabul in 1996, later ousted in 2001.
— **toshak**: A narrow mattress, commonly utilized in Afghan households as a substitute for chairs or beds.
This glossary provides crucial insights into the cultural practices, language, and significant historical references inherent to Afghan society, facilitating readers’ better understanding of the narrative’s setting and themes. The definitions aim to familiarize readers with terms that may not be commonly known outside of Afghanistan, reflecting the book’s emphasis on the societal and cultural landscape that shapes the characters’ lives. The knowledge of these terms enhances readers’ comprehension of the characters’ daily struggles, traditions, and their interactions within the context of the story, portraying a vivid picture of life in Afghanistan during a tumultuous period.