Cover of The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession
    True Crime

    The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession

    by testsuphomeAdmin
    The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession by Michael Finkel tells the riveting true story of Stéphane Breitwieser, one of the most prolific art thieves in history. Over the course of several years, Breitwieser stole hundreds of priceless works from museums across Europe, all while evading capture. Finkel explores the complex motivations behind Breitwieser's crimes, including his obsessive love for art and the impact of his actions on his personal life. The book examines themes of obsession, passion, and the thin line between art and crime.

    In Chap­ter 29 of “The Art Thief,” Meier presents a pho­to­graph of a stolen sev­en­teenth-cen­tu­ry gold-plat­ed medal­lion to Bre­itwieser in an inter­ro­ga­tion room. The police are uncer­tain about the extent of Bre­itwieser’s thefts, hav­ing found lit­tle dur­ing their search of his home. With the hol­i­days long past and no news from his fam­i­ly, Bre­itwieser, feel­ing des­per­ate, even­tu­al­ly admits to steal­ing the medal­lion.

    Meier sub­se­quent­ly shows Bre­itwieser anoth­er pho­to­graph, this time of a gold tobac­co box—a piece he had stolen along­side Anne-Cather­ine from a Swiss cas­tle. Bre­itwieser, wish­ing to escape his high-secu­ri­ty con­fine­ment, con­fess­es to this theft as well. Meier then sur­pris­es him with a col­lec­tion of pho­tographs depict­ing var­i­ous stolen items, includ­ing an ivory flute and var­i­ous sil­ver belong­ings, lead­ing to an over­whelm­ing real­iza­tion for Bre­itwieser that he has been out­smart­ed. Feel­ing cor­nered, he con­fess­es to all 107 thefts depict­ed in the images.

    Mean­while, Meier com­pre­hends the sheer scale of Breitwieser’s crimes but main­tains his com­po­sure as he lis­tens to the con­fes­sions. A police report inad­ver­tent­ly left open reveals the sto­ry of a senior cit­i­zen, James Lance, who dis­cov­ered numer­ous stolen items while rak­ing through the Rhône-Rhine Canal. Over three days, in a police oper­a­tion that mobi­lized up to thir­ty offi­cers, an aston­ish­ing array of trea­sures, includ­ing sil­ver chal­ices and an intri­cate­ly carved ivory piece, were retrieved. The total haul of 107 items was esti­mat­ed at fifty mil­lion dol­lars, linked to the cou­ple the OCBC had been track­ing.

    With this break­through, Meier invites Bre­itwieser for a con­fes­sion, and soon after spend­ing sev­en­ty-nine days in impris­on­ment, he is dressed in his for­mer cloth­ing and trans­port­ed under guard in a train car with oth­er inmates. Despite his pri­or feel­ings of supe­ri­or­i­ty, Bre­itwieser now feels vul­ner­a­ble and anx­ious about his uncer­tain future as he trav­els to an unknown des­ti­na­tion, reflect­ing a stark turn from his pre­vi­ous con­fi­dence.


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