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    **As It Is**

    In the poem “As It Is,” the narrator muses on his wishes for a better world, one with kinder people, less greed, and softer views on the faults of others. Despite his longing for improvement, he accepts the world and its inhabitants as they are, acknowledging that life, with all its sorrow, bitterness, and pain, also brings joy, friendship, and love. He concludes that the world, in all its complexity, is ultimately a place of more gladness than sorrow, suggesting an acceptance of life’s imperfections and a deeper understanding that things are arranged with a purpose beyond immediate understanding.

    **A Boy’s Tribute**

    “A Boy’s Tribute” is a heartwarming ode to the narrator’s mother, whom he views as the epitome of beauty, grace, and virtue, surpassing all others in his eyes. He describes his mother as an amalgamation of all desirable qualities, unmatched by any other he has seen, whether in beauty, grace, or kind-heartedness. Her nurturing, fun-loving nature, and unmatched care make her irreplaceable and cherished above all others in his life. He elevates her to a near-divine status, suggesting that if there were ever an earthly representation of an angel or a beloved figure to a divine being, it would undoubtedly be his mother. Through simple yet vivid imagery, the narrator conveys a universal love and admiration for the maternal figure in his life, highlighting her as a source of unwavering support and love.

    These summaries strive to encapsulate the essence and style of the original texts, adhering to the requirements of maintaining character names, addressing significant nouns unaltered, and preserving the original language and stylistic tone of the chapters.


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