by LovelyMayIn Chapter V of “Just David” titled “Discords,” the small village of Hinsdale is stirred by a mysterious case involvin a deceased man found in Farmer Holly’s barn, a puzzling scenario enhanced by the presence of David and his father who had recently arrived in town. Initially thought to be tramps, David and his deceased father intrigue the townsfolk due to their unusual behavior and the mystery surrounding their identities. Despite efforts, the man’s identity remains a mystery, prompting the townspeople to plan for his burial without informing David of the arrangements.
David, left at the Holly farmhouse, faces Simeon Holly’s reluctance to keep him, despite Mrs. Holly’s willingness to care for the boy. David, absorbed in a letter from his father and oblivious to the adults’ conversation, reveals his father advised him to learn about the beautiful world in preparation for their reunion in the “far country.” Simeon Holly, unimpressed by David’s preoccupation with his violin and perceived idleness, challenges the boy’s understanding of work and contribution to life’s “orchestra.”
Simeon tasks David with filling a woodbox as a test of his ability to engage in “real work.” However, David’s fascination with the natural world leads him to neglect the chore, culminating in a failed attempt tempered by his enchantment with a butterfly and a flower bed, which inspires him to play his violin. Upon discovering David’s neglect of the task, Simeon Holly confronts him. David, illustrating his perpetual distraction with beauty and exploration, promises to complete the task, albeit without understanding the urgency or importance Simeon places on the work. The chapter closes with an implicit tension between David’s perception of the world, filled with music and wonder, and Simeon Holly’s practical, work-centric worldview.