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    In “Frivolous Cupid,” a poignant scene unfolds as Mrs. Mortimer, now a widow dressed in mourning attire, and her adolescent son Johnnie, find themselves amidst the bustling, vibrant atmosphere of Brighton. Years have passed since Mrs. Mortimer’s departure from Natterley, a move prompted by the desire to bring her family closer to George’s workplace in Wimbledon—a decision shared with Mrs. Sterling through a letter that hinted at nothing more than logistical convenience. The true essence of their relocation, however, remained unspoken, cloaked in the mundane explanation of proximity to work.

    As Mrs. Mortimer settles herself on a bench by the sea, taking in the lively surroundings, her gaze catches a young couple approaching from a distance. Her attention, initially casual, sharpens with recognition as they draw closer. This young man, clearly engrossed in the company of his companion, unknowingly commands Mrs. Mortimer’s focus; his eyes wander, embodying a youthful restlessness that seemingly captivates her. Despite her readiness for acknowledgment, Mrs. Mortimer maintains a composed exterior, her demeanor a blend of indifference and faint anticipation.

    The moment of potential recognition arrives as the couple nears, and Mrs. Mortimer’s presence momentarily catches the young man’s curiosity. His initial glance, filled with confusion, turns to uncertainty as he fails to place her. No acknowledgment passes between them; Mrs. Mortimer remains a spectator, clinging to a sliver of hope for recognition that ultimately goes unfulfilled. The encounter concludes as the young man, still puzzled, casts a final look back at Mrs. Mortimer before continuing on, leaving her in a state of quiet contemplation, surrounded by the cheerfulness of Brighton yet isolated in her unspoken history and the what-ifs that linger in the air.


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