Cover of Cyrano de Bergerac
    Romance Novel

    Cyrano de Bergerac

    by LovelyMay
    Cyrano de Bergerac is a classic play by Edmond Rostand about a noble, witty, and eloquent swordsman with an extraordinary nose, whose self-doubt leads him to hide his love for the beautiful Roxane by helping another woo her.

    In a cap­ti­vat­ing scene from *Cyra­no de Berg­er­ac*, a sud­den encounter unfolds as Cyra­no, under the guise of a casu­al passer­by, inquires about Chris­tian’s pres­ence, to which a sur­prised Chris­t­ian responds. Rox­ane greets her cousin warm­ly, momen­tar­i­ly leav­ing to attend to some­thing with­in the house. The atmos­phere is laced with antic­i­pa­tion as a fri­ar, pre­vi­ous­ly mis­tak­en in his des­ti­na­tion, con­fi­dent­ly asserts that he has found the cor­rect address, much to the bemuse­ment of Cyra­no who had been cor­rect­ed on the pro­nun­ci­a­tion of Rox­ane’s name.

    As Rox­ane, Chris­t­ian, and the bum­bling pas­try cook, Rague­neau, re-emerge, the scene is set for rev­e­la­tions. The fri­ar, with a mix of inno­cence and obliv­i­ous duty, presents Rox­ane with a let­ter under the belief of con­vey­ing a sacred mes­sage. The con­tents of the let­ter, how­ev­er, are from the per­sis­tent De Guiche, declar­ing an undy­ing love for Rox­ane and his inten­tions to see her against her wish­es. Through this let­ter, De Guiche reveals his plan to defy expec­ta­tions and remain hid­den with­in the con­ven­t’s walls, long­ing for one more encounter with Rox­ane. The audac­i­ty of De Guiche’s actions is clear, as he orches­trates a plan to secret­ly meet Rox­ane under the cov­er of night, uti­liz­ing the unwit­ting fri­ar to com­mu­ni­cate his inten­tions.

    This moment brims with ten­sion and intrigue, paint­ing a vivid pic­ture of De Guiche’s des­per­ate mea­sures to win Rox­ane’s affec­tion, her annoy­ance at his per­sis­tence, and the intri­cate dance of char­ac­ters maneu­ver­ing around each oth­er’s secrets and desires. The scene mas­ter­ful­ly weaves togeth­er themes of love, decep­tion, and the lengths to which one will go to ful­fill their heart’s desire, set­ting the stage for the unfold­ing dra­ma that lies ahead.


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