Cover of Cyrano de Bergerac
    Romance Novel

    Cyrano de Bergerac

    by LovelyMay
    Cyrano de Bergerac is a classic play by Edmond Rostand about a noble, witty, and eloquent swordsman with an extraordinary nose, whose self-doubt leads him to hide his love for the beautiful Roxane by helping another woo her.

    In this chap­ter of “Cyra­no de Berg­er­ac,” we wit­ness a quirky yet heart­felt scene unfold in Rague­neau’s bak­ery. Rague­neau, a bak­er with a deep pas­sion for lit­er­a­ture, is vis­it­ed by two chil­dren seek­ing three pies. As he pre­pares to pack the pies, Rague­neau’s dis­tress over using his pre­cious poet­ry bags as wrap­ping reveals his sen­ti­men­tal attach­ment to his writ­ten works. Each bag he picks up con­tains a verse that he can­not bear to part with, from mus­ings on Ulysses and Pene­lope to the gold­en-locked Phoe­bus, illus­trat­ing his inner con­flict between his roles as a bak­er and a poet.

    Lise, like­ly Rague­neau’s wife, exhibits impa­tience and prac­ti­cal­i­ty, urg­ing him to make a deci­sion while she busies her­self with arrang­ing plates. In a moment of des­per­a­tion to pre­serve his poet­ry, Rague­neau bribes the chil­dren with addi­tion­al pies in exchange for the return of the “Son­net to Phillis,” high­light­ing his pref­er­ence for art over busi­ness. The scene briefly shifts to a comedic tone as Rague­neau joy­ful­ly recov­ers his son­net, only to find it stained with but­ter, a sub­tle nod to the inevitable merge of his two worlds.

    Cyra­no’s abrupt entry into the bak­ery marks a shift in the atmos­phere. His urgent inquiry about the time and his pal­pa­ble emo­tion hint at an upcom­ing sig­nif­i­cant event, set­ting a tone of antic­i­pa­tion and sus­pense. Rague­neau, ever the respect­ful and hos­pitable host, responds to Cyra­no, while the lat­ter’s anx­ious demeanor sug­gests that his vis­it is of utmost impor­tance.

    This chap­ter art­ful­ly bal­ances humor with a hint of melan­choly, show­cas­ing Rague­neau’s affec­tion for his poet­ry jux­ta­posed against the mun­dane real­i­ty of his bak­ery. Cyra­no’s sud­den appear­ance adds a lay­er of intrigue, leav­ing read­ers eager to under­stand the con­nec­tion between his anx­ious­ness and the events at the bak­ery. Through dia­logue and descrip­tive actions, the char­ac­ters’ dis­tinct per­son­al­i­ties and pri­or­i­ties are vivid­ly por­trayed, enrich­ing the nar­ra­tive fab­ric of “Cyra­no de Berg­er­ac.”


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