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    Cover of A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson

    A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson

    by LovelyMay

    A New Phi­los­o­phy by Hen­ri Berg­son presents a series of essays in which Berg­son argues for the pri­ma­cy of intu­ition and lived expe­ri­ence over intel­lec­tu­al analy­sis, offer­ing a dynam­ic view of time, con­scious­ness, and real­i­ty.

    1. Preface
      1,547 Words
    2. I. Method.
      2,594 Words
    3. VIII. Conclusion.
      2,474 Words
    4. II. Teaching.
      2,270 Words
    5. I. Mr Bergson’s Work and the General Directions of Contemporary Thought.
      2,517 Words
    6. II. Immediacy.
      2,419 Words
    7. III. Theory of Perception.
      2,318 Words
    8. IV. Critique of Language.
      2,464 Words
    9. V. The Problem of Consciousness. Duration and Liberty.
      2,687 Words
    10. VI. The Problem of Evolution: Life and Matter.
      2,359 Words
    11. VII. The Problem of Knowledge: Analysis and Intuition.
      2,542 Words
    12. Index.
      2,686 Words

