• CHAPTER XIII ‑Thuvia, Maid of Mars Cover
      by LovelyMay In Chapter XIII of "Thuvia, Maid of Mars," titled "Turjun, the Panthan," Carthoris, son of John Carter, finds himself embroiled in the intricacies of interplanetary politics and warfare. The chapter encapsulates Carthoris's inner turmoil upon discovering Helium is at war with Dusar, a realization that throws him into the ranks of his adversaries due to the whims of fate. His identity temporarily obscured, he adopts the guise of "Turjun," maneuvering through enemy ranks with the hope of turning his…
    • CHAPTER XI ‑Thuvia, Maid of Mars Cover
      by LovelyMay In Chapter XI of "Thuvia, Maid of Mars," Carthoris, the son of John Carter, finds himself embroiled in an intense series of challenges as he strives to rescue Thuvia from her captors. After a ferocious encounter leaves him unconscious, he awakens alone amongst the dead on an alien landscape, gravely weakened and with Thuvia and Kar Komak missing. Determinedly, he journeys toward Aaanthor, driven by a dire need for water and resolution to find Thuvia. His venture leads him into the remnants of a…
    • CHAPTER X ‑Thuvia, Maid of Mars Cover
      by LovelyMay In Chapter X of "Thuvia, Maid of Mars," titled "Kar Komak, The Bowman," Carthoris and Thuvia, hand in hand, move silently through the Martian forest towards the distant cliffs, enchased in a mutual reliance. Thuvia, mysteriously silent throughout their journey, suddenly vanishes at the moment Carthoris decides to break their silence. It dawns upon Carthoris that Jav has deceived him into believing Thuvia was with him, whereas she was actually detained. Realizing the trickery, Carthoris rushes back towards…
    • CHAPTER IX ‑Thuvia, Maid of Mars Cover
      by LovelyMay In Chapter IX of "Thuvia, Maid of Mars," Carthoris, Thuvia, and Jav fall into a pit as a result of Tario's anger but emerge unscathed. Inside the chamber they find themselves in, they face threats including Komal, believed by Jav to be a deity set to devour them. However, Thuvia tames Komal, revealing the creature to be just a giant banth (a Martian beast) and not a divine entity. They proceed to escape the chamber through a series of corridors and into a plain where they anticipate confrontation from…
    • CHAPTER VIII ‑Thuvia, Maid of Mars Cover
      by LovelyMay Chapter VIII of "Thuvia, Maid of Mars" titled "The Hall of Doom," unfolds with Thuvia witnessing Carthoris's departure, leaving her with Tario, the jeddak of Lothar. Tario's solicitation and subsequent confession that he perceives Thuvia as a real woman, rather than an ethereal creation, mark the beginning of an unsettling encounter. Thuvia, strong-willed and defiant, rejects Tario's advances and assertions about her origin and essence. Tario's fascination turns into obsession, leading to an attempt to…
    • CHAPTER VII ‑Thuvia, Maid of Mars Cover
      by LovelyMay And with that, he was gone, leaving Jav with his brows drawn down in puzzled contemplation of his act. He could not understand. Neither could he know that Carthoris had gleaned from the things Jav had let drop hints which he had not intended to impart in the hope that they might lead the Heliumite to act precisely as he had acted. Enveloped in a scenario of illusion versus reality, Chapter VII of "Thuvia, Maid of Mars" titled "The Phantom Bowmen" embarks on an intense confrontation at the Lotharian…
    • CHAPTER VI ‑Thuvia, Maid of Mars Cover
      by LovelyMay In Chapter VI of "Thuvia, Maid of Mars" titled "The Jeddak of Lothar," Carthoris and Thuvia encounter the enigmatic city of Lothar and its inhabitants led by Tario, Lothar's ruler. Initially skeptical of their surroundings, they witness thousands of warrior apparitions who mysteriously vanish after defending them against a common enemy. Despite Thuvia's unique control over fierce creatures known as banths, both are unsettled by the city's inexplicable occurrences and decide to seek refuge and answers…
    • Thuvia, Maid of Mars Cover
      by LovelyMay Thu­via, Maid of Mars by Edgar Rice Bur­roughs is a sci­ence fic­tion adven­ture that fol­lows the brave Thu­via as she becomes entan­gled in a per­ilous strug­gle for sur­vival on Mars, while hero­ic war­riors bat­tle to res­cue her and con­front the planet’s dead­ly dan­gers.
    • SECTION 22  How I then tried to diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by other means, and of the result Cover
      by LovelyMay In this chapter of "Flatland," the narrator recounts his failed attempts to enlighten others about the mysteries of the Third Dimension, starting with his Grandson, who mocks the idea. Feeling isolated in his understanding, the narrator decides to write a treatise on the Three Dimensions, using allegory and abstract concepts to evade the law against discussing anything outside of two dimensions. Despite his efforts, his ideas are met with skepticism, and his personal life suffers as he becomes obsessed…
    • SECTION 21  How I tried to teach the Theory of Three Dimensions to my Grandson, and with what success Cover
      by LovelyMay Grandson, whose casual remarks on the meaning of 3, 4, and even 5 dimensions had met with the approval of the Sphere? This idea was, at first, with enthusiasm; but I soon discovered that, while the theory was comprehensible enough, its application baffled me. Every attempt to demonstrate the concept of upward, not Northward, by analogies from the world of sight, totally failed; for in the realm of Flatland, the very idea of "upward" as opposed to "Northward" or any other "ward" was…