126 Results with the "Children's Literature" genre
Chapter XXV of "Just David" titled "The Beautiful World" explores the transformative effects of love, music, and reconciliation on the characters. David continues to enchant those around him with his violin, interpreting the world's beauty through music, like turning the first snow into a song about pear-tree blossoms. This chapter reveals the power of David’s music to transcend mere notes, imbuing everyday occurrences with profound meaning. A pivotal moment arrives when David learns that the Lady of…-
59.5 K • Ongoing
Chapter X of "Just David" entitled "The Lady of the Roses" showcases a significant development in the life of a young boy named David and his impact on the lives of those around him, especially Joe and his family. The chapter opens with David's transformative presence in Joe's life, bringing music, companionship, and food to alleviate the hardships of Joe's family. Joe's love for music, inherited from his father, resonates deeply with David, leading to a heartfelt sharing of David's violin, offering Joe a…-
59.5 K • Ongoing
In this chapter, David encounters Miss Holbrook, the "Lady of the Roses," who expresses her deep sorrow, revealing her desire to forget her painful memories, leaving David stunned by her lack of joy. His attempt to comfort her through his violin only highlights the depth of her despair. Unable to soothe her, David leaves as Miss Holbrook abruptly dismisses the melancholic scene. Driven by restlessness, David explores the village further and stumbles upon a group of boys playing in a lot. Having had…-
59.5 K • Ongoing
Chapter XII of "Just David" opens with David recounting to a man and a little girl, identified as Jack and Jill respectively, his encounter with a group of boys from which he emerged battered but victorious, thanks to his desire to rescue a cat. The siblings, living in a small house across the creek from Sunnycrest, provide care for David's injuries while trying to understand the courageous yet enigmatic boy who fought off six older boys to save an animal. Through their conversation, it is revealed that…-
59.5 K • Ongoing
Chapter XIII of "Just David," titled "A Surprise for Mr. Jack," unfolds a poignant narrative embedding the transformative influence of a young boy, David, on the villagers and particularly on the lives at the Holly farmhouse. The chapter reveals how David, with his unique perspective on life and nature, gradually changes the worldview of the pragmatic Simeon Holly and his wife, Ellen. David's peculiar behaviors—his preference for sunsets over supper, flowers over toy pistols, and his compassionate…-
59.5 K • Ongoing
In Chapter XIV of "Just David," entitled "The Tower Window," David's unwavering curiosity and innocence lead him to venture once again into the domain of his Lady of the Roses. Setting out with his violin, he is initially disappointed not to find her in the garden but is drawn to the majestic house by the allure of unfamiliar music and the architectural beauty he has long admired from afar. Upon entering the house, David is entranced by the opulence and novel surroundings he encounters—a stark contrast…-
59.5 K • Ongoing
In Chapter XV of "Just David," titled "Secrets," David is eager to share his experiences from his second visit to Sunnycrest with Jack and Jill. However, upon arrival, he finds only Jill at home. Their interaction is less awkward this time, and they converse freely in the open outdoors. David is disappointed that Jack is not there, as he especially wanted to see him. Jill explains Jack's absence by saying he's "gone pot-boiling," a metaphor for Jack selling garden produce to make ends meet, despite his…-
59.5 K • Ongoing
Black Beauty
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell is a classic novel told from the perspective of a horse, recounting his experiences with both kind and cruel owners while highlighting the importance of kindness and humane treatment of animals.-
2.3 K • Nov 8, '24
2.4 K • Nov 8, '24
1.6 K • Nov 8, '24
01 My Early Home
My earliest memories are of a large, serene meadow, the first home I can recall vividly. It was adorned with a clear pond, shaded by trees, bordered by rushes and water-lilies at one end, and overlooked by a grove of fir trees at the other. Beyond its confines, I could glimpse our master's house and a plowed field. In my youth, nourished by my mother's milk, I stayed close to her, frolicking by day and resting by her side at night. The pond was our refuge from the heat, and a cozy shed near the grove…-
99.9 K • Ongoing
02 The Hunt
Before I turned two, a memorable event occurred during an early spring morning cloaked in a light mist. Being in the lower field with my fellow colts, we were suddenly attentive to distant dog cries, signaling the beginning of a hunt as acknowledged by the most senior among us. With curiosity, we all moved to a vantage point, where my mother and an elderly horse of our master's possession joined in observing the unfolding scene. The ensuing chase of a hare by a pack of hounds, accompanied by men on…-
99.9 K • Ongoing
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