121 Results with the "Adventure Fiction" genre
In Chapter VIII, "An Enemy in the Dark," of "Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive," the narrative unfolds with a tense episode involving Tom Swift and his loyal but impulsively acting giant helper, Koku. Sensing potential trouble, Tom reacts quickly when Koku chases after a suspicious figure, a dark-faced stranger possibly involved in espionage. Despite Tom's stern commands, Koku initially disregards them, driven by a desire to confront the stranger, whom he suspects is connected to past disturbances at…
52.3 K • Ongoing
In Chapter VII of "Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive," the narrative pivots towards the future potential of electric locomotion beyond the immediate financial concerns of the Swift Construction Company. Tom Swift admits to his colleagues, including his father and Ned Newton, that despite his knowledge of current electric locomotives, he has yet to conceptualize an improved design. This admission underlines the intrinsic uncertainties in pioneering innovation but also displays Tom's calm and methodical…
52.3 K • Ongoing
In Chapter VI of "Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive," titled "The Contract Signed," Tom Swift experiences an eventful morning following an attempt by a mysterious adversary to confront him. He sleeps securely under the protection of his devoted giant servant, Koku, who hails from a lineage of warriors. Despite a breach attempt, the offender fails to make an appearance, and the chapter unfolds with a humorous altercation between Koku and Rad, Tom's other servant, reflecting their competitive zeal to…
52.3 K • Ongoing
As Tom Swift and Mr. Damon continued their journey, Mr. Damon revealed his peculiar problem to Tom. He was plagued by chicken-house burglars targeting his prized buff Orpingtons, notably a special cockerel, Blue Ribbon Junior. Despite Mr. Damon's efforts, including surrounding his chicken yard with a barbed wire entanglement and arming his servant with a rock-salt loaded shotgun, the burglars remained a persistent nuisance. Mr. Damon sought Tom's assistance to secure his chicken house more…
52.3 K • Ongoing
As the evening progressed, Tom Swift and Mr. Damon visited Ned Newton, fully expecting him to be awake despite the late hour. Upon their arrival, they quickly delved into the events of the night, revealing they were targeted by a highwayman close to Ned's residence, a predicament they humorously blamed on Tom's presence. Mr. Damon, brimming with excitement, prompted Tom to disclose the night's significant discussion. Tom, emphasizing the need for discretion, revealed that he and his father were…
52.3 K • Ongoing
After an adventurous evening, Tom Swift visits Mary Nestor, sharing with her the details of a potentially revolutionary electric locomotive project and a recent encounter with a thief. Mary, concerned for Tom's safety and supportive of his endeavors, listens intently as Tom explains how he was unbothered by the theft due to the thief stealing notes written in his own unreadable shorthand. This detail delights Mary, recognizing the thief's surprise upon discovering the notes' indecipherability. Tom,…
52.3 K • Ongoing
In Chapter II of "Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive," titled "Trouble Starts," Tom Swift encounters a threatening situation that, although startling, doesn't surprise him due to recent reports of footpads in the area. His encounter with a thug who forcibly searches him and steals his wallet under the threat of violence is linked in Tom's mind to warnings from Mr. Richard Bartholomew about a spy from the West, possibly connected to Montagne Lewis and his associates, seeking information harmful to the…
52.3 K • Ongoing
In "A Tempting Offer," the opening chapter of "Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive," Tom Swift and his father, Mr. Barton Swift, discuss the potential of a high-speed electric locomotive with Mr. Richard Bartholomew, a visitor from the West representing the Hendrickton and Pas Alos Railroad Company. Faced with intense competition and a need for innovation to sustain its financial viability, Bartholomew presents the Swifts with a challenge to develop an electric locomotive capable of unprecedented speed…
52.3 K • Ongoing
Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive by Victor Appleton is an adventurous novel where young inventor Tom Swift designs a groundbreaking electric locomotive, facing challenges and excitement as he tests his creation and uncovers a plot to sabotage it.
1.7 K • Nov 8, '24
1.8 K • Nov 8, '24
2.0 K • Nov 8, '24
CHAPTER 21 -The beasts of Tarzan
In Chapter 21 of "The Beasts of Tarzan," titled "The Law of the Jungle," the story unfolds with Tarzan, overseeing the near completion of a skiff with the help of Mugambi and under considerable tension and lack of cooperation amongst his campmates, particularly from Schneider, the mate who deserts the work to hunt in the jungle but returns with a guise of remorse to continue work on the skiff. Schneider reports a herd of small deer in the jungle, prompting Tarzan to hunt, ultimately leading to a plot twist…-
46.2 K • Ongoing
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