• Chapter

      Image Credits

      Image Credits Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin Image Credits serves as an indispensable reference for the artworks mentioned throughout The Art Thief, offering readers an invaluable opportunity to explore the vast history of the visual art world. This chapter not only provides essential details about each work, such as the artist’s name, title, year of creation, and the artwork’s current location or collection, but also creates a deeper connection between the narrative and the artistic pieces that are central to the story. Through this meticulous…
    • A Note About the Author Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin Author Michael Finkel is widely recognized for his outstanding contributions to nonfiction writing, with his work delving deep into human nature, survival, and morality. He is perhaps best known for his bestselling books The Stranger in the Woods and True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa, the latter of which was adapted into a major motion picture in 2015. These works, along with his extensive contributions to leading publications, solidify Finkel as a master of both investigative journalism and narrative…
    • Chapter


      Merci Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin Merci is an emotional and reflective dedication chapter in Merci, The Art Thief, in which the author expresses heartfelt gratitude to a variety of individuals and groups who have been instrumental in shaping their creative journey. The chapter, rich in appreciation, provides insight into the strong community of people who supported and influenced the author’s artistic development, as well as the individuals who inspired their understanding of the complex world of art. The tone is respectful and…
    • A Note on the Reporting Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin In "A Note on the Reporting" from *The Art Thief*, the author recounts their journey to learn about Stéphane Breitwieser, a notorious art thief. The process took over a decade, starting with a letter in 2012 where the author requested an interview with Breitwieser. Back then, Breitwieser had not engaged with the press for years and had not spoken to any American journalist. A long wait ensued, culminating in a brief response from him, initiating a correspondence that gradually became more personal. By…
    • Chapter


      Illustrations Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin Illustrations of stolen artworks are meticulously cataloged in the chapter, offering readers an insightful exploration into the history and implications of art theft. The detailed descriptions of each piece provide not only the name of the artist and the year of creation but also offer context regarding their origins, materials, and the museums or collections from which they were taken. This collection of stolen art represents some of the most significant works in the art world, emphasizing the tragic loss…
    • Chapter

      Chapter 36

      Chapter 36 Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin In Chapter 36 of "The Art Thief," Anne-Catherine reflects on her tumultuous relationship with Breitwieser, her partner in crime who has now become a source of regret. Eric Braun, her lawyer, remarks that Breitwieser is a significant tragedy in her life, though Anne-Catherine aims to move on and lead a quiet existence. She resides in a tranquil village near Mulhouse, where she secured an apartment for approximately $100,000, supported by a twenty-two-year mortgage. Despite the police searches of both her…
    • Chapter

      Chapter 37

      Chapter 37 Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin In Chapter 37 of "The Art Thief," Anne-Catherine reveals to Swiss art detective Von der Mühll that she doubts the sincerity of her past relationship with Breitwieser, claiming he saw her merely as an object. However, Breitwieser appears to move on quickly after Anne-Catherine cuts ties with him in late 2005. He begins dating Stéphanie Mangin, a nurse’s assistant who resembles Anne-Catherine in both looks and profession. Their bond is immediate, prompting Breitwieser to move into Stéphanie’s…
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      Chapter 38

      Chapter 38 Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin In Chapter 38 of *The Art Thief*, we follow the life of Breitwieser after his last prison term, culminating in 2015 at age 44. With a criminal record and minimal resources—his bank account containing merely five euros—he struggles financially. His mother supports him, taking care of his rent and occasionally supplying him with groceries, while household responsibilities fall to Stengel, who also mourns her own mother’s passing. Breitwieser yearns for solitude, often expressing a desire to escape to…
    • Chapter

      Chapter 33

      Chapter 33 Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin In Chapter 33 of “The Art Thief,” the courtroom proceedings surrounding Breitwieser’s art theft trial unfold. While Breitwieser’s guilt is acknowledged—he has confessed to his crimes—his attorney advocates for his release after serving 444 days in jail, arguing that his actions lack malice and were committed with a "gentleman's" approach to theft. The defense witnesses, including Christian Meichler, describe Breitwieser as a passionate collector whose enthusiasm spiraled into theft, as…
    • Chapter

      Chapter 34

      Chapter 34 Cover
      by testsuphomeAdmin In Chapter 34 of "The Art Thief," the narrative centers around the legal consequences faced by Breitwieser after his extensive art thefts. The chapter opens with the legal process culminating in a decision made in just two and a half hours. The law prioritizes the method of theft over the item stolen, categorizing Breitwieser’s actions as simple theft since no violence was involved. He’s sentenced to four years in prison, with additional fines amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars owed to…