Book Collection

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    • The Prisoner of Zenda Cover
      by LovelyMay The Prisoner of Zenda, written by Anthony Hope in 1894, is a classic adventure novel set in the fictional kingdom of Ruritania. The story follows Englishman Rudolf Rassendyll, who resembles the Ruritanian king so closely that he is drawn into a plot to impersonate him after the king is kidnapped by a scheming duke. Rassendyll must navigate court intrigue, romance, and daring escapades to save the king and protect the throne. This swashbuckling tale of honor, deception, and courage is filled with suspense and has become a beloved example of romantic adventure fiction, inspiring multiple adaptations.
    • Agnes Grey Cover
      by LovelyMay Agnes Grey by Anne Bron­të is a semi-auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal nov­el that tells the sto­ry of a young governess’s strug­gles with the cru­el­ty and mis­treat­ment she faces from her employ­ers, while explor­ing themes of social class, inde­pen­dence, and per­son­al growth.
    • The Devil’s Dictionary Cover
      by LovelyMay The Dev­il’s Dic­tio­nary by Ambrose Bierce is a satir­i­cal and dark­ly humor­ous col­lec­tion of wit­ty, cyn­i­cal def­i­n­i­tions that expose the hypocrisies and absur­di­ties of human nature, soci­ety, and lan­guage.
    • Dream Life and Real Life Cover
      by LovelyMay Dream Life and Real Life is a novel by Olive Schreiner, published in 1893. It explores the inner thoughts and experiences of a woman torn between the idealized world of dreams and the harsh realities of life. The book addresses themes of self-discovery, societal expectations, and the search for meaning, offering a critique of the limitations placed on women in Victorian society.
    • Lazarillo of Tormes Cover
      by LovelyMay Lazarillo of Tormes is a 16th-century Spanish novel, anonymously written, that tells the story of Lázaro, a young boy who grows up in poverty and is apprenticed to various masters. Through his adventures, the novel critiques society, highlighting themes of social class, hypocrisy, and survival. Written in the form of a first-person narrative, it is considered one of the earliest examples of the picaresque genre.
    • For Greater Things: The Story of Saint Stanislaus Cover
      by LovelyMay For Greater Things: The Story of Saint Stanislaus Kostka is a biographical work by William T. Kane, S.J., that narrates the inspiring life of Saint Stanislaus Kostka, a young Polish Jesuit. The book highlights his deep faith, unyielding devotion, and remarkable courage in pursuing his vocation despite significant challenges, including familial opposition and physical hardships. Through vivid storytelling, the work captures Stanislaus's spiritual journey and his unwavering commitment to a life of holiness, making it a compelling read for those interested in the lives of saints and Christian spirituality.
    • Derrick Vaughan, Novelist Cover
      by LovelyMay Derrick Vaughan, Novelist is a novella by Edna Lyall, published in 1889. It tells the story of Derrick Vaughan, a young man who discovers his passion for writing and achieves success as a novelist. The narrative explores his journey through the literary world, the sacrifices he makes for his art, and the personal challenges he faces, including the tension between love and ambition. The book provides insight into the life of a writer in Victorian England, addressing themes of creativity, ethics, and perseverance, with Lyall's characteristic emphasis on moral integrity and social values.
    • Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar Cover
      by LovelyMay Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar is the fifth novel in Edgar Rice Burroughs' *Tarzan* series, published in 1916. In this adventure, Tarzan returns to the lost city of Opar, a mysterious ruin filled with hidden treasures guarded by a fierce, semi-civilized people. Driven by a need for wealth, Tarzan faces perilous encounters with La, the high priestess of Opar, who harbors a dangerous affection for him. Meanwhile, double-crossing characters and a memory loss complicate Tarzan's journey. Filled with suspense, exotic locations, and thrilling action, this book is a classic example of Burroughs' skill in blending adventure with fantasy.
    • A Strange Disappearance Cover
      by LovelyMay A Strange Dis­ap­pear­ance by Anna Kather­ine Green is a mys­tery nov­el that fol­lows detec­tive Ebenez­er Gryce as he inves­ti­gates the baf­fling case of a wom­an’s sud­den dis­ap­pear­ance, uncov­er­ing secrets and puz­zling clues along the way.
    • Black Beauty Cover
      by LovelyMay Black Beau­ty by Anna Sewell is a clas­sic nov­el told from the per­spec­tive of a horse, recount­ing his expe­ri­ences with both kind and cru­el own­ers while high­light­ing the impor­tance of kind­ness and humane treat­ment of ani­mals.