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    In Act III, titled “Roxane’s Kiss,” the setting unfolds in a quaint square of the old Marais district, characterized by its ancient houses and narrow streets. The focus is on Roxane’s residence, distinguishable by its garden’s lush foliage and a prominent balcony accessible from the street. A bench in front of the house serves as a gathering point for the characters.

    As the scene opens, Ragueneau, clad in a sort of servant’s attire, is seen conversing with the duenna, sharing his tale of woe that led to his current employment under Roxane. His story reveals a past entangled with misplaced affections and financial ruin, only to be saved by the timely intervention of Cyrano de Bergerac. Cyrano’s act of rescuing Ragueneau from a dire end and securing him a position with Roxane showcases a web of interconnected fates and kindness.

    Roxane, from her window, and the duenna engage in a brief exchange about their impending visit to Clomire’s house, where a discourse on the Tender Passion is scheduled. Their conversation exudes anticipation for the intellectual salon they are to attend, highlighting the cultural inclinations of the nobility and their circles.

    The arrival of Cyrano and two pages, equipped with arch-lutes and bearing the air of jesters more than musicians, introduces a lighter, yet subtly complex undertone. Cyrano’s wager with D’Assoucy, leading to his temporary ownership of the pages’ musical services, injects a layer of humor and eccentricity into the narrative. Their presence, aside from providing melodic accompaniment, serves to mirror the juxtaposition of Cyrano’s multifaceted character – at once a soldier, a poet, and a philosopher.

    The chapter subtly weaves themes of love, art, and existential quandaries through the interactions among its characters. Roxane’s anticipation, Ragueneau’s gratitude mixed with a hint of tragedy, and Cyrano’s playful yet profound demeanor craft a spectrum of human experiences and emotions. The backdrop of the Marais, with its historical depth and architectural beauty, further enriches the narrative, providing a vivid stage for the unfolding drama.


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