CHAPTER XV -Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive
by LovelyMayIn Chapter XV of “Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive,” the scene unfolds on a dark, starless night, where Ned Newton, dressed discreetly, ventures into the Swift Construction Company’s yard. His suspicions rise when he spots a flicker of light outside the secure fence. Worried about a potential saboteur recalling past attempts to damage the Hercules 0001 locomotive, Ned stealthily moves closer, unseen under the cloak of shadows.
Amidst his vigil, the silence is shattered by the Hercules 0001’s sudden test run, its blazing headlights sweeping the yard. In this moment, Ned spots a figure climbing the fence using a notched pole. Initially fearing an explosive attack, Ned’s concern grows as the trespasser seems to be tampering with the fence’s wiring. The locomotive’s thunderous pass temporarily paralyzes him with its force and speed.
Reacting to the imminent danger, Ned screams a warning as the intruder, fiddling with the wires, is engulfed in electric shocks from a botched attempt to cut through them. The sparks and screams draw the attention of Tom Swift, the locomotive’s inventor, and others to the scene.
The intruder, identified as Joe Myrick, a detective from Blatz Detective Agency, is caught in his malicious act. Despite his protest and threats to invoke the law, his nefarious intent is clear. Found with an oil can, likely meant to sabotage or cause damage to the locomotive, Myrick faces the immediate consequence of his actions.
Needing to understand Myrick’s motives and the involvement of the Blatz Agency fully, Tom decides to call the police, ensuring the safeguarding of his invention and the worksite. This chapter intensifies the narrative, blending elements of suspense, adventure, and technological innovation, highlighting the ongoing challenges Tom faces from external threats to his creations.