Cover of Legends and Lyrics – Second Series

    Legends and Lyrics – Second Series

    by LovelyMay
    Legends and Lyrics - Second Series by Adelaide Anne Procter is a collection of poetry that reflects on themes of faith, love, and moral integrity, offering lyrical and inspirational verses that emphasize spiritual and emotional depth.

    In a moment of soli­tude and dim light, the nar­ra­tor finds them­selves entranced by a por­trait of a sor­row­ful nun, launch­ing into a leg­end tied to this image. The sto­ry, set in the pic­turesque south of France, unfolds around a con­vent known as “Our Lady of the Hawthorns,” cel­e­brat­ed for its benev­o­lence, skill in the heal­ing arts, and a peace­ful life ded­i­cat­ed to ser­vice and prayer. Among the nuns, Sis­ter Angela, a young orphan raised with­in the con­ven­t’s walls, stood out for her devo­tion, inno­cence, and the joy she brought to her sis­ters.

    Ange­la’s peace­ful exis­tence took a dra­mat­ic turn when war brought a wave of wound­ed sol­diers to the con­ven­t’s door. Among them was a for­eign knight whose tales of the world beyond the con­vent walls filled Ange­la’s imag­i­na­tion with dreams of chival­ry, romance, and beau­ty. Enticed by these sto­ries and the affec­tion she devel­oped for the knight, Angela fled the con­vent with him, only to face betray­al and dis­il­lu­sion­ment. As the years passed, Ange­la’s life out­side the con­vent spi­raled into mis­ery, lead­ing her to yearn for her for­mer home and redemp­tion.

    One night, dri­ven by des­per­a­tion and remorse, Angela returned to the con­vent. In a mirac­u­lous turn, she dis­cov­ered that the Vir­gin Mary had tak­en her place dur­ing her absence, ensur­ing none knew of her depar­ture. Wrapped in this divine for­give­ness and accep­tance, Angela found peace.

    The sto­ry con­cludes years lat­er as Angela, on her deathbed, con­fides her tale to her fel­low sis­ters, empha­siz­ing the mer­cy and for­give­ness that shaped her final years back at the con­vent. Her life and return exem­pli­fy the pro­found themes of repen­tance and divine grace, leav­ing a last­ing impres­sion of seren­i­ty and redemp­tion on those she leaves behind.


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