Chapter 11
by testsuphomeAdminChapter 11 of The Chocolate War begins with a sudden eruption of chaos in Room Nineteen, triggered when Brian Kelly, inadvertently, collapses his chair. This mishap sets off a chain reaction, as Albert LeBlanc moves down the aisle, knocking over a desk, causing vibrations that bring down even more furniture. As John Lowe prepares to sit, his desk disintegrates beneath him, leading to astonished gasps from the students. What started as a simple, accidental incident quickly escalates into a frenzy as the students, filled with excitement, begin testing other desks to see if they too will collapse. The room, once orderly, turns into a scene of reckless enjoyment as the students gleefully watch the destruction unfold. The noise grows louder, heightening the sense of chaos, as the students lose themselves in the thrill of the unexpected disarray. The room becomes a stage for the unintentional performance, and the audience—fully engaged—has no intention of halting the spectacle anytime soon.
Brother Eugene, alarmed by the noise and disruption, enters the room to restore order. His attempt to stabilize his desk fails when it tips over, and his chair also succumbs to the same fate as the rest of the furniture. His efforts to regain control of the room are futile, as the students, caught in the excitement of the unfolding destruction, cheer and egg each other on. The Vigils, a secretive and influential group within the school, are celebrated by the students, as they are believed to be behind the chaos. Archie, standing back and watching the events unfold, enjoys the spectacle, timing the destruction as it happens. He views this moment as a triumph, knowing that this event will go down in the history of Trinity, a moment future students will remember. His glee reflects his enjoyment of seeing control slip away from the authority figures around him, as he relishes in the power of chaos and the knowledge that he played a role in it.
The madness reaches a climax when the blackboard crashes to the floor, drawing the attention of Brother Leon, who enters the room, visibly shaken. Upon seeing the destruction, he immediately recognizes Archie as the mastermind behind the chaos, his temper flaring as he accuses Archie of failing to keep order. Brother Leon’s authority is clearly threatened, and he asserts his control over Archie, grabbing his shoulder to emphasize his power. He warns Archie about the consequences of his actions, particularly the impact it may have on the upcoming chocolate sale, a task that has already proven to be a significant challenge for the students. Archie, ever quick on his feet, instinctively denies his involvement in the destruction, refusing to take responsibility for the chaos that he orchestrated. His usual tactic of evasion comes into play as he remains calm and deflects blame, unwilling to admit his role in the incident. The dynamic between Archie and Brother Leon intensifies as the latter’s frustration grows, but Archie maintains his defiance, carefully avoiding the admission of guilt that might compromise his position.
As the situation outside the classroom escalates, more students gather, drawn in by the commotion caused by the destruction inside. Once Archie is released from Brother Leon’s grip, he surveys the aftermath with satisfaction. The destruction, which he knows he masterminded, gives him a sense of accomplishment, even though it leaves Brother Eugene visibly distressed. Archie savors the moment, knowing that his actions will be remembered by those who witnessed it, further cementing his influence at Trinity. Despite the discomfort caused by the chaos, Archie finds joy in the disruption, dismissing Brother Leon’s authority and relishing in the power he exerts over his peers. This contrast between the authority figures, trying to maintain order, and the students, embracing disorder, highlights the ongoing struggle for control at Trinity. Archie’s role in the destruction of Room Nineteen serves as a reminder of the influence the Vigils have over the school, even as the chaos they create continues to challenge the established hierarchy. As the chapter ends, Archie’s satisfaction in the bedlam he’s created underscores his mastery in manipulating situations for his own benefit, leaving the classroom and the larger school community forever altered by the events that unfolded.