You are being provided with a book chapter by chapter. I will request you to read the book for me after each chapter. After reading the chapter, 1. shorten the chapter to no less than 300 words and no more than 400 words. 2. Do not change the name, address, or any important nouns in the chapter. 3. Do not translate the original language. 4. Keep the same style as the original chapter, keep it consistent throughout the chapter. Your reply must comply with all four requirements, or it’s invalid.
I will provide the chapter now.
“He’d been overserved,” Patricia said breathlessly into the telephone
receiver, eyes wide, voice full of astonished innocence. “And he was
doing how men do at a party, talking big, showing off. I didn’t mean
to get so far away from my husband, but he just kept sort of pushing
me farther and farther away.”
Patricia stopped and swallowed, caught up in her own
performance. She pulled Francine’s driver’s license out of her pocket
and turned it over in her hand. She heard Mrs. Greene listening hard
on the other end of the line.
“When he kind of got me over in a corner,” she continued, “he told
me, real low so no one else could hear, that years ago he’d gotten
angry at the woman who did for him. She’d stolen some money, I
think, I wasn’t real clear on that point, Detective. But he said he
‘fixed her.’ I definitely remember that. Well, I didn’t understand what
he meant at first and I said I’d have to ask her about it when I saw
her again, and he said I wouldn’t be seeing her again, unless I went
up in his attic and looked inside his suitcases. Well, I couldn’t help it,
it just sounded so absurd, and I laughed. I don’t need to tell you how
men get when you laugh at them. His face turned red, and he
reached into his wallet and pulled out something and stuck it in my
face and said if he was lying then how did I explain that. And,
Detective, that’s when I got scared. Because it was Francine’s driver’s
license. I mean, who carries around a thing like that? If he hadn’t
hurt her, then where did he get it?” She paused, as if listening. “Oh,
yes, sir. He put it right back in there. He’d had so much to drink he
might not even remember showing it to me.”
She stopped and waited.
“You think that’ll work?” Mrs. Greene asked.
“They don’t have to get a warrant or anything like that. All they
have to do is stop by his house and ask to look inside his wallet. He’ll
have no clue it’s in there, so of course he’ll show them. Once they see
it, they’ll ask for permission to search his attic, he’ll refuse, they’ll
leave someone with him while they go get a warrant, and then they’ll
find Francine.”
“When?” Mrs. Greene asked.
“The Scruggs are having an oyster roast this coming Saturday out
at their farm,” Patricia said. “It’s six days away but it will be crowded,
it will be public, people will be drinking. It’s our best chance.”
Patricia didn’t know how she’d get into his wallet—she didn’t even
know if he carried one—but she’d keep her eyes open and stay on her
toes. Kitty’s oyster roast started at 1:30. If she got it into his wallet
early enough, she could call the police that afternoon; they could
even come to the oyster roast and ask to see inside his wallet there,
and this could all be over in less than a week.
“A lot could go wrong,” Mrs. Greene said.
“We’re running out of time,” Patricia said.
It was already the end of the month. That night was Halloween.
The doorbell started ringing around four on Halloween evening, and
Patricia oohed and ahhed over an endless stream of Aladdins and
Jasmines and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and fairies in tutus
with wings bouncing up and down on their backs.
She had fun-sized Butterfingers and small boxes of Sun-Maid
raisins for the children, and Jack Daniel’s for their fathers, who stood
behind them, red Solo cups in hand. It was an Old Village tradition:
moms stayed home and gave out candy on Halloween while dads
took the kids trick-or-treating. Everyone kept a bottle of something
behind their front door to top off whatever the dads were drinking.
The dads got progressively louder and happier as the shadows got
longer and the sun went down on the Old Village.
Carter wasn’t among them. When Patricia had asked Korey if she
wanted to go trick-or-treating she’d been treated to a withering glare
and a single contemptuous snort. Blue said trick-or-treating was for
babies so, Carter said, if neither of his children wanted him to take
them, he’d go right from the airport to his office and get ahead on
some work for Monday.
Around seven, Blue came downstairs, opened the dog food cabinet,
and took out a paper shopping bag.
“Are you going trick-or-treating?” Patricia asked.
“Sure,” he said.
“Where’s your costume?” she asked, trying to reach him.
“I’m a serial killer,” he said.
“Don’t you want to be something more fun?” she asked. “We could
put something together in just a few minutes.”
He turned and walked out of the den.
“Be back by ten,” she called as the front door slammed.
She had just run out of Butterfingers and given the first box of
raisins to a deeply disappointed Beavis and Butthead when the
phone rang.
“Campbell residence,” she said.
No one answered. She figured it was a prank call and was about to
hang up when someone inhaled, wet and sticky, and a ruined voice
“…I didn’t…”
“Hello?” Patricia said. “This is the Campbell residence?”
“I didn’t…,” the voice said again, dazed, and Patricia realized it was
a woman.
“If you don’t tell me who this is, I’m going to hang up,” she said.
“I didn’t…” the woman repeated. “…I didn’t make a sound…”
“Slick?” Patricia asked.
“I didn’t make a sound…I didn’t make a sound…I didn’t make a
sound,” Slick babbled.
“What’s going on?” Patricia asked.
Slick hadn’t called—not to apologize for abandoning her, not to see
if she was all right—and that was all the evidence Patricia needed to
know that Slick had told James Harris she was breaking into his
house. Slick was why he had come home early. As far as she was
concerned, Slick could go hang.
Then Slick began to cry.
“Slick?” Patricia asked. “What’s wrong?”
“…I didn’t make a sound…” Slick whispered over and over, and
gooseflesh crawled up Patricia’s arms.
“Stop it,” she said. “You’re scaring me.”
“I didn’t,” Slick moaned. “I didn’t…”
“Where are you?” Patricia asked. “Are you at home? Do you need
Patricia couldn’t hear Slick wheezing into the earpiece anymore.
She hung up and dialed her back and got a busy signal. She thought
about not doing anything, but she couldn’t. Slick’s voice had scared
her, and something dark stirred in her gut. She grabbed her purse
and found Korey on the sun porch, eyes glued to the TV, which was
showing a commercial for Bounce Gentle Breeze dryer sheets.
“I have to run out to Kitty’s,” Patricia said, and realized that lies
came easier the more she told them. “Can you get the door?”
“Mm,” Korey said, not turning around.
Patricia supposed that was yes in seventeen-year-old language.
The Old Village streets were packed with a parade of kids and
parents, and Patricia wove through them too slowly. The fathers
looked pleasantly loaded, their steps getting heavier, their dips into
the candy bags becoming more frequent. She couldn’t imagine what
had happened to Slick. She needed to get to her house. She crawled
through the crowds at fifteen miles per hour, passing James Harris’s
house with its two jack‑o’-lanterns flickering on the front porch, then
turned up McCants and hit the brakes.
The Cantwells lived on the corner of Pitt and McCants, and every
Halloween they filled their front yard with fake corpses hanging from
the trees, Styrofoam headstones, and skeletons wired to their
shrubberies. Every half hour, Mr. Cantwell emerged from the coffin
on the front porch dressed as Dracula, and the family performed a
ten-minute show. The Wolfman grabbed at the kids in front; the
Mummy stumbled toward little girls who ran away shrieking; Mrs.
Cantwell, wearing a fake warty nose, stirred her cauldron full of dry
ice and offered people ladles of edible green slime and gummy
worms. It ended with all of them dancing to “The Monster Mash”
followed by mass candy distribution.
The crowd around their house spilled off the sidewalk and blocked
the street. Patricia’s face twitched. Was it just Slick? What about the
rest of Slick’s family? Something was wrong. She needed to go. She
took her foot off the brake and rolled onto the edge of the
Simmonses’ front yard on the far side of McCants, flashing her lights
to make people clear the way. It took her five minutes to get through
the intersection, and then she picked up speed as she headed to
Coleman Boulevard, and hit fifty on Johnnie Dodds. Even that wasn’t
fast enough.
She pulled into Creekside and wove around trick-or-treaters as fast
as she dared. Both cars were parked in the Paleys’ driveway.
Whatever had happened had happened to the entire family. A
flickering white candle sat on a kitchen stool on the front porch. Next
to it sat a bowl of pamphlets emblazoned with orange type reading:
Trick? Yes. Treat? Only Through the Grace of God!
Patricia reached for the doorbell and stopped. What if it was James
Harris? What if he was still inside?
She tried the handle and the latch popped and the door swung
silently open. Patricia took a breath and stepped inside. She closed
the door behind her and stood, eyes and ears straining, listening for
any sign of life, looking for a single telltale detail: a drop of blood on
the hardwood floor, a picture knocked askew, a crack in one of the
display cabinets. Nothing. She crept down the front hall’s thick
runner and pushed open the door to the back addition. People
started screaming.
Every muscle in Patricia’s body snapped into action. Her hands
flew up to protect her face. She opened her mouth to scream. Then
the screaming dissolved into laughter and she looked past her hands
and saw Leland, LJ, their oldest, Greer, and Tiger sitting around the
long dinner table halfway across the room, their backs to her, all
laughing. Greer was the only one facing Patricia.
She caught sight of Patricia and stopped laughing. LJ and Tiger
spun around.
“Ohmygosh,” Greer said. “How’d you get in?”
A Monopoly board sat in the middle of the table. Slick wasn’t
“Patricia?” Leland said, standing, genuinely baffled, trying to
“Don’t get up,” she said. “Slick called and I thought she was home.”
“She’s upstairs,” Leland said.
“I’ll just pop right up,” Patricia said. “Keep playing.”
She left the room before they could say anything and went up the
carpeted stairs fast. In the upstairs hall she didn’t have a clue which
way to go. The door to the master bedroom sat ajar. The bedroom
light was off but the master bathroom light was on. Patricia walked
“Slick?” she called softly.
The shower curtain rattled and Patricia looked down and saw Slick
lying in the tub, her lipstick smeared, her mascara running down her
face in trails, her hair sticking out in clumps. Her skirt had been torn
and she only wore one dangling sand dollar earring.
Everything between them evaporated and Patricia knelt by the
“What happened?” she asked.
“I didn’t make a sound,” Slick rasped, eyes wide with panic.
Her mouth moved soundlessly, straining to form words. Her hands
opened and closed.
“Slick?” Patricia repeated. “What happened?”
“I didn’t…,” Slick began, then licked her lips and tried again. “I
didn’t make a sound.”
“We need to call the ambulance,” Patricia said, standing up. “I’ll go
get Leland.”
“I…,” Slick said, and it trailed off to a whisper. “I didn’t…”
Patricia walked to the bathroom door and heard hollow flailing in
the tub behind her, and then Slick rasped, “No!”
Patricia turned around. Slick gripped the edge of the tub with both
hands, knuckles white, shaking her head, her single sand dollar
earring flopping from side to side.
“They can’t know,” she said.
“You’re hurt,” Patricia said.
“They can’t know,” Slick repeated.
“Slick!” Leland called from downstairs. “Everything all right?”
Slick locked eyes with Patricia and slowly shook her head back and
forth. Patricia eased out into the bedroom, eyes still on Slick.
“We’re fine,” she called back.
“Slick?” Leland said, and from his voice Patricia could tell he was
coming up the stairs.
Slick shook her head harder. Patricia held out one hand, then
raced to the hall and headed off Leland at the top of the stairs.
“What’s happening?” he asked, stopping two steps below her.
“She’s ill,” Patricia said. “I’ll sit with her and make sure she’s okay.
She didn’t want to break up your party.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Leland said. “You didn’t need to
come all this way. We’re right downstairs.”
He tried to take a step but Patricia moved to block him.
“Leland,” she said, smiling. “Slick wants you to have fun with the
children tonight. It’s important to her that they have…Christian
associations with Halloween. Let me handle this.”
“I want to see how she is,” he said, sliding one hand up the
banister, letting her know he was going to go right through her if
“Leland.” She dropped her voice low. “It’s a female problem.”
She wasn’t sure what a female problem meant to Leland, but his
body sagged.
“All right,” he said. “But if she’s really not well, you’ll tell me?”
“Of course,” Patricia said. “Go back to the kids.”
He turned and went back downstairs. She waited until he passed
into the addition, and then sprinted back to the bathroom. Slick
hadn’t moved. Patricia knelt beside the tub, leaned forward, and got
her arms around Slick. She stood, pulling Slick up with her, amazed
at how weak her legs were. She helped her out of the tub, one foot at
a time.
“They can’t know,” Slick said.
“I didn’t say a word,” Patricia said.
She took off Slick’s one earring and laid it on the bathroom
“The other one’ll turn up,” she reassured her.
Patricia locked the bathroom door, then pulled Slick’s sweater over
her head and unfastened her brassiere. Slick’s breasts were small and
pale and the way she was hunched over, the way her ribs stuck out,
the way her breasts hung lifeless, she reminded Patricia of a plucked
She sat Slick down on the toilet and put her fingers in the waist of
her skirt. It was torn down the back so there was no need to unzip it.
The tear went right through the suede, not down the seam. Patricia
didn’t know what was strong enough to do that.
As she started to pull off her skirt, Slick recoiled, pulling her hands
up over her groin.
“What’s wrong?” Patricia asked. “Slick, what’s wrong?”
Slick shook her head back and forth, and Patricia’s heart hitched.
She focused on keeping her voice steady and slow.
“Show me,” she insisted, but Slick shook her head faster. “Slick?”
“They can’t know,” Slick moaned.
She took Slick’s thin wrists and pulled them away. Slick resisted at
first, then went slack. Patricia pulled her skirt down. Slick’s panties
were torn. She pulled them off, lifting Slick’s buttocks. Slick clamped
her thighs closed.
“Slick,” Patricia said, using her nurse’s voice. “I need to see.”
She pried Slick’s knees apart. At first, Patricia didn’t know what
was coming through Slick’s sparse, blond pubic hair, and then she
saw Slick’s abdominal muscles convulse and a runnel of black jelly
oozed out of her vagina. It smelled rank, like something lying rotten
on the side of the road in summer. And it kept coming, an endless
ooze of fetid slime pooling in a quivering black puddle on the toilet
seat lid.
“Slick?” Patricia asked. “What happened?”
Slick met her eyes, tears trembling along her lower lids, and she
looked so haunted that Patricia leaned forward and embraced her.
Slick stayed stiff in her arms.
“I didn’t make a sound,” Slick insisted.
Patricia sprayed enough air freshener in the bathroom to make her
eyes burn, and then she ran the shower. She took off her blouse and
helped Slick back into the tub, holding her under the hot, strong
spray. She cleaned the makeup off Slick’s face with a washcloth,
rubbing until Slick’s skin turned pink, then used as much soap as she
could to clean between Slick’s legs.
“Bear down,” she told Slick over the spray. “Like you’re going to
the bathroom.”
She saw the last remaining black drops fall into the water, stretch
into tendrils, and swirl down the drain. She used an entire bottle of
St. Ives shampoo to wash Slick’s hair, and when they were finished
the bathroom smelled steamy and floral. She dried herself and put
her top back on while Slick stood naked and shivering, and then she